CTV 2100k+430k Northern Nippon


Inducements: 1 wandering apothecary, 1 wizard, 2 bloodweiser kegs, Mercenary Merc Ashigaru 1
Khorne CTV 2530k


No change
#1 Tamagoyaki – Smashed Hand (MNG)
#4 Futomaki – Fractured Arm (MNG)
#90 () – Dead (RIP)
#10 Operario 37 – Serious Concussion (-AV)
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3rd game between Sushi Go and Embutidos y Salazones in this tourney. With 2 Blitzers MNG on Sushi side and a full recovered Embutidos y Salazones team, chances looked slim.
Dice were mixed: On one hand the Claws weren't as effective as expected, which made it possible for the Sushi Chefs to put up some sort of defense. On the other hand, we rolled countless doubleskulls and were even suffering from 2 quatro skulls, one when blitzing the Embutidos BC before he scored.
Everything looked lost when the Khorne broke through and scored again in turn 3 of 2nd half to lead 2:0
A quick score and a very lucky crowd surf followed by a perfect throw in, allowed Sushi Go to force the Khornies into overtime.
With only 1 Blitzer left and the Oni MNG, this would be hard. But there was always a chance until another double skull lead to a loss of ball from which Sushi Go could't recover anymore... unless Embutidos would fail the 4+ Pickup. Unfortunately, they managed and scored for the 2:3 final score.
Great game. Congrats to Arturidas on the title. ”