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Match Result · Ranked division
Match recorded on 2004-07-14 06:39:09
CTV 1740k Undead
Winnings 50k
No change Dedicated Fans
Casualties 1/2/2
Norse CTV 1660k
50k Winnings
Fanfactor No change
1/1/0 Casualties
Player Performances
Player Performances

#8 Filler – Dead (RIP)
#13 Ludwig – Smashed Knee (NI)
Turn 1: The game starts with every undead player on the line except 1 (Man with Forty) who is back to receive. Quick snap helps the undead to further gang up on the rookie linemen and the minotaur. Touchback baby. THe undead break one of the linemen and pushback the blitzer behind him to create a hole, they run the ball thru the hole and cage it. The tagteam of mummies knock down the minotaur and the other rookie lineman, and the first turn for the undead ends with the ball 3 squares down field of the norse's back line, and very lightly caged.. Oh, and then a skeleton fouls the minotaur, stunning him. The norse react by crowding the ball, but not really putting any solid defence between it and the end zone, they are counting on their star blitzer, rent, to knock the ball away, if he fails, it's an easy td. Luckily his second blitz works and the ball is caught by the norse catcher. The first norse turn ends with the ball 8 yards behind the line and not caged well at all, but the norse now have posession.

Turn 2: The undead start turn 2 with an eazy blitz vs the ballcarrier, but it's a 1 die block and they elect not to use a reroll when they roll a pushback. The mummies fail to do any damage, and the rest of the team moves closer to the ball, leaving the bottom side of the field clear, and the 2 mummies covering the top. Shut Up you Fat Fart KILLS fish, but the apoth succedes... Dead norse players is basically par for the corse at turn 2 in the game. The norse use their star blitzer to clear a path then run the ball up the bottom side of the field, the minotaur wastes the norse blitz on a wild animal roll, the norse dirty player ko's a skeleton, Filler the norse lineman dies on a skull roll... At the end of the turn there are 3 norse players up top, the ball carrier is down bottom, and the undead have 2 ghouls within uncontested blitzing range of the ball. Both mummies are occupied with a norse lineman. so far, 2 turns, 2 deaths for the norse, lets see how turn 3 goes.

Turn 3: The rookie norse blitzer in between the ghouls and the ball gets knocked down, and the ghouls blitz, knocking the ball away with a pow/pow roll, and stunning the norse catcher who used to carry the ball. A ghoul runs toward the end zone, going out for a pass, both mummies finally manage to knock over the lineman containing them, a 4th ghoul picks up the ball on a dodge and passes it down field to the receiver ghoul who is 1-dodge caged from all the norse, but fails to catch the pass. THe undead end the turn with the ball 1 square from the end zone surrounded by 2 ghouls, and issue the cry "<blu> hah try and pick that ball up you viking infidel! <blu> prepare for hundreds of more deaths!" The norse innitial plan to push a wight out of the way and blitz at the ball fails when the wight stands firm on a skull/pow. The star blitzer rent has to make up for this and makes an amazing 2 dodge blitz that stuns the nearest ghoul and then manages to pick up the ball, but he's still easily prone to a double blitz next turn. some more useless blocks and no attempt to cage the ball ends the turn.

Turn 4: Turn 4 starts with the ball in the hands of the 4 str star blitzer on the norse team, Rent. He is unprotected and there is a ghoula nd a white within easy blitzing range as well as another wight within sprinting dodging blitzing range. The wight sticks to the ball, then the mummies ko two norse players, and a ghoul far from the play stuns a norse blitzer. At this point everyone on the norse team except 5 players is stunned dead or ko'd. A skeleton and ghoul from away from the play run in close to the play, and the main blitz hits the ball, it'll be a 1 die block from a ghoul who has both pro and block... but wait, in a surprising move the ghoul doesn't hit the ball, instead he just traps it, putting 2 tackle zones on the blitzer. THe norse are forced to blitz the ball out of the defence, so they can't pass this turn, they badly hurt the ghoul who protected the ball, and run the ball within 4 yards of mid field, the minotaur and star thrower for the norse team try to cage, but the minotaur is a wild animal and the thrower fails his go for it, so the ball is vulnerable for a second turn. Elsewhere on the field everyone is on his ass except the minotaur and a lineman.

Turn 5: The undead manage a 2 assist blitz from a wight and knock the ball away, stunning the blitzer who carried it, rent. One mummy pins the minotaur down and the other runs close to the ball, elsewhere on the field a ghoul uses up the undeads last reroll to push back a lineman, waste, and a skeleton/ghoul combo pushes back an unimportant catcher. Gilly the blitzer tries to blitz the skelton off the ball but skulls himself onto the ground to end the turn before it began for the norse.

Turn 6: Mummies hate vikings, and knock down linemen like puppies eat grass to make themselves vomit. A ghoul who also hates vikings seriously injures another lineman (MNG). Petting zoo's are for younger children, but skeletons have to content themselves with pushing back meaningless norse catchers. The other mummy has sexual fantacies about minotaurs and to show his contempt he badly hurts the only one he has access to. Another skeleton seriously injures another lineman, what else is new. The norse begin the turn with 5 players left on the field, all of whom are prone, and none of whom are anywhere near the ball. Rent could have blitzed the ball, but he choses to let the undead score in turn 6 so his team will have 2 turns to score themselves.

Turn 7: The undead have a nearly guaranteed score here, as their 4 strength ghoul pushes rent away from the ball, and a wight ko's another norse blitzer. With 8 players on turn 7, the norse set up to receive the ball. rent tries to clear a path, but doesn't realize the ghoul has sidestep and the ghoul blocks off the path with his prone stank. He tries to make up for it by dodging out for the pass, but fails and falls on his ass. That basically ends the half from a scoring perspective, but theres still plenty of room for pain.

TUrn 8: Gatoraid puts back sodium. SPeaking of which, nothing much happens this turn for either team.

Turn 1: The norse have 8 players. A rock takes out a skeleton, stunned. The norseys push a ghoul off the field, and run a catcher within 5 of the end zone, keeping the ball 9 spaces back from the los, but they forget to leave their second thrower half way up the field for the hand off option, oh well. Undead baby cakes go all wacky crazy and try to do important things, but fail. Undead ppl suck, i'm objective, i'd know. A wight ko's another catcher. woot. Some annoying commercial plays on tv about a song compilation.

Turn 2: The star norse thrower named niggled, with 4 agility, throw, and dodge, makes an easy dodge and a go for it, then hucks the ball all the way down field to the waiting 3 agility catcher. The catcher pulls it down and runs it in for a td that's anything but easy. The norse huddle together in the back field awaiting the coming pain, and boot the ball down field with their eyes closed. The undead crowd the line and luckily only manage to knock down all 3 of the norse players on the line, then they gang rape the star blitzer, rent. Just for added kicks, they pick up the ball and pass it to a ghoul on the los, who then runs it down field into harms way. THe final wight uses a go for it to cage the ball relatively well.

Turn 3: Homer is whistling in the shower, and bart is playing with the kitchen faucet. The ball is basically impossible to hit well, and the norse settle for a -2 die block which winds up pushing it back. The undead score an easy td.

Turn 4: The undead make a minor adjustment putting their mummy on the upper sideline, but the norse run the same play again, pushing the mummy out of bounds and running their catcher down field. THe undead waste their blitz on a ghoul who can't reach the ball, then homers son bart is better than him at tennis.

Turn 5: the norse make a beautiful passing play to end up with a guy with pass throwing to a guy with catch , all a quick pass, 2 squares away.. but BLAM double 1's make me think "batman?". Unilegular ko's a blitzer and a Angry corpses picks up the ball and chucks it down field to a skeleton, who miraculously catches it. The undead finish their turn by caging relatively well and knocking down the closest blitzer to the ball.

Turn 6: THe norse fail their dodge so they can't blitz the ball. The undead ko the norse thrower who was on the ball, and run down field. Another norse goes to the KO box, and it looks like the game will end 1-3.

Turn 7: The norse fail to get the ball away in their 2d blitz, then the undead ko another norse catcher. a bunch of blocking later and nothing has changed maybe we're looking at a 2-1 victory instead. The turn ends on a foul which puts another norse player in the ko box.

Turn 8: At first nothing cool happens but then the grandmas legs make a handoff i didn't realize they had as an option and run a td to end the game 3-1. Great job.
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