CTV 1730k Kurgan
15000 (1 FAME)
Inducements: Card Kicking Boots
Kurnous CTV 1640k+50k
No change
Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, Card Wand of Smashing
#5 Bulugan – Dead (RIP)
#8 Jurbatk – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
#2 BeBop – Dead (RIP)
#3 Smokey – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The first half, well, Hutagt, our Kurgan Brute was KO'd on the first turn. That set the mood for the entire match. The Cowboys surfed one of our marauders, and the Apo could do nothing but KILL him. We smashed up their elves and their shapeshifters, and they hit us hard back. They scored on turn 5 or 6, and then didn't see that they had no re-rolls, so we scored straight back.
Then in the second half, we them hard, and they hit hard back; we smashed the ankle of a bear, and their Apo tried to kill him, but his heavy hand was restrained. Then we fouled a boar in half. But we left a 1d blitz on the ball (it required multiple rolls just to get there, and would have frenzied into a -2d, so even if they got a push, chances are, turnover, and we could recover.) But they had a Wand of Smashing! So instead they pow-ed our ravager!
They then made a 4+ 3+ 4+ 3+ series of rolls and snuck the ball deep into our end, and stalled for another few turns before scoring on turn 5. 3 turns, ok, we can.. PITCH INVASION! 6 of the remaining 7 Kurnous were stunned, so we effortlessly moved up the pitch to score again. We were going to 2 turn score, before realizing that would only leave us 1 turn to try to win (impossible) and give them 2 more turns to win (quite doable with crazy agi 5 elves.) We were forced to stall for the 2-2 draw.
Thanks for the match dashergeaux!”