CTV 1740k Elven Union

19000 (1 FAME)

Slann CTV 1490k+220k


Inducements: Star player Lottabottol
#4 Kumoku Noa – Dead (RIP)
#7 Hoku Arias – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
#6 Pickerel Moses – Broken Jaw (MNG)
#13 Junior Magnificent Jr. – Smashed Hip (-MA)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Game began with a rock BH'ing a Miami player. Things looked pretty cool at the start, and then some blocks happened.
Kumoku Noa died on turn 2, despite the apothecary coming out to help. He attempted to mend a hole in his chest, but accidentally leaned too hard against his head, making another hole. He DID manage, in his defense, to heal the hole in his chest though... The Apothecary's Union require me to say that.
With the grind down the field, It went 1-0, and with only 8 at the end of the 1st, Hawaii grabbed the ball and scored right away in the 2nd (Zack Daniel throw to Kaneshiro for the TD. We then played as hard a defense as we've played in quite some time, leaving it for a Leap into the end zone for the win, which was unfortunately snaked.
Zach Daniel did, in fact, play some defense this match. He took a few hits and didn't die this time. He did pop the ball out in the middle of the 2nd with a key blitz into and through a TZ. In the end, the BallHawks played well enough to win this, and they honestly should have. It was a good game, but the better team on the pitch didn't get the credit for a W.
The Lineman (Arias) that took a movement bust also got the MVP, and learned how to Guard in the future. That's going to be somewhat important.
Next up: one of the two rivalry matches. Oof.”