CTV 1290k+50k Skaven

No change

Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
Nurgle CTV 1350k


#4 Bob – Dead (RIP)
#7 Helm – Dead (RIP)
#9 Shelton – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#13 Dylan – Damaged Back (NI)
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When I started playing, I had a Skaven team and I loved it very much. And then an Italian Nurgle coach fouled me into oblivion and never said a word, and I felt very sad (and maybe I never got over that). So now when I play against Skaven with a Nurgle team, there's always a slight feeling that I'm doing something bad to a past version of me.
On the other hand, one turn touchdowns...
Didn't defend well in the first half when it was my offence, but he scored quickly while I was knocking players apart left right and centre. Managed an 8th turn equaliser, and then in the second half there were only 8 rats left to deal with, and Centipede got rid of some more of them. Useless rat apo couldn't save Helm, and then Bob skulled himself to death near the end - two more recruits.
Thanks for the match - see you in DIBBL or SWL some time, hopefully!”