CTV 1870k Skaven

No change

Slann CTV 1410k+420k

17000 (1 FAME)

No change
Inducements: Star player Lottabottol, Card Blatant Foul, Card Chop Block, Card Stolen Playbook, Card Distract
#1 Parker Workman (DE) #40 – Damaged Back (NI)
#1 Will Karoo – Dead (RIP)
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Horned Frogs leap over the BallHawks for their 3rd win
TCU goes into this match with already two wins in the book (Hawaii and U-Dub). Miami has only played - and tied - Hawaii so far. The common history of these two programs isn't too deep yet, Rats and Frogs only played two games so far. But one was the National Championship Final of Season 32, a game still well remembered for the repeating cries of disbelief by the commentators: "Jiiiiiiim, what are you doin'?!?!!"... and the Horned Rats victory, of course ;-)
Miami down 460K goes on a shopping tour: 4 dirty play cards (which would have moderate success) and ringer Lottabottol. And they elect to receive the ball in the first half (something they might have learned from that BCS Championship Final coach FRSHMN still loves to talk about). The early game is characterized by constantly traded blocks and boots and bloody injuries: Parker Workman leaves the pitch with a niggling injury in turn 1, after the apo could do nothing for the young Rat Ogre. Star Frog Blitzer Natal Adams, after a snaked dodge, is fouled to death, but saved by the apo, and so it goes on. Until the frogs botch a hand-off deep in Skaven territory and the ball is on the ground. This is when Passblockapalooza starts: On several consecutive turns defenders try to sneak into a position for a pick - but with limited success. In the end it is TCU's senior The Horned One Itself who makes the play with a -2DB Double POW K.O. Scatter Catch, that leaves the Miami offense morally broken. Even multiple dirty play cards cannot stop the Rats scoring defensively in turn 6.
With two turns still to be played, the Frogs push for the equalizer, the Rats have to rush their defense but trip and Natal Adams leaps over the too few opposing players and runs it in. TCU can only do one more foul to end the half... and Kroxigor Will Karoo's carreer... as well as life!
1 - 1 at halftime.
Now the Horned Rats receive and play a Ratsas City Cheese Wheel by the book, feinting left, going right and scoring in turn 4. And it seems as if the Horned Rats had tasted blood now, as they begin their next defensive drive with a perfectly timed Blitz! to surprise the Frogs. The Horned Rats swoop down on the not yet prepared BallHawks, get an extra-armed Gutter Runner under the ball and snatch it from under a catcher's nose. Another dirty play, a chop block sends the ball to the ground, but TCU's Gutter Runners still pull off the play and it is 3 - 1. The Horned Rats even get a chance for another touchdown, but that would have been too much. In the end, the BallHawks walk in a consolidation touchdown and another encounter of these two teams is history... maybe the fuel for a future rivalry?
TCU team development does a huge step with this game, as three rats skill. Both horned-up Vernon Scott and Krox-Killer Quazzel White learn how to wrestle down their opponents in the future. Storm Vermin Trevon Moehrig selects the Krox' pincers as his trophy and "develops" some claws of his own. A future star in the making.”