“14th game of Season9. These teams have met in playoffs previously, and exchanged some hits. Just to name one example, the Niggling injury of Johnson happened in such game.
This time Sluggers announced tanking, so the Pats game plan was not to stall it out. Especially as Sluggers have pretty okay 1turning capabilities.
The game was not played perfectly, far from it, but the Pats blitzers made insane CAS conversion. It should have been enough for a win on most days, but today it was not.
On to the next one which is Thunderbolts.”
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This time Sluggers announced tanking, so the Pats game plan was not to stall it out. Especially as Sluggers have pretty okay 1turning capabilities.
The game was not played perfectly, far from it, but the Pats blitzers made insane CAS conversion. It should have been enough for a win on most days, but today it was not.
On to the next one which is Thunderbolts.”