CTV 2210k+50k Lizardmen


Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
Skaven CTV 2020k+250k

19000 (1 FAME)

No change
Inducements: 1 wizard, 2 bloodweiser kegs
#10 Update My Will IX – Poisoned (MNG)
#2 Billy Brownwind – Broken Jaw (MNG)
#3 Denzil Dirtbags – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Proved to be as close as I expected. A first turn snakes on the ball stopped the gutter one-turning which I think appeared to be the plan. My skink failed the pick up though so it came to naught and skaven had the ball. I rejected a 3+ dodge with rr for 2d on the ball, instead opting for 4 dice (frenzy) with mighty blow on the str3 sacker gutter as I knew I had to get rid of him before my drive or it would be a nightmare. The gutter survived even my attempts to boot him from the field. Skaven drove down the line and this time I took on the 3+ dodge for the 2d and sacked the ball, which was helpfully caught by my move 9 skink (though he had already moved). The position looked tricky for the skaven and DrD wisely zapped the carrier and his gutter then powed him out of the game and got some solid dice to get the ball and dodge through to the endzone. This was a setback as skaven had looked in real trouble, however at least the wiz had gone. However, the heat meant two of my saurus were out of the drive so it was going to be tough. My drive basically hinged on two things: firstly DrD accidentally used his apo on a koed rookie. Secondly I positioned the ball by the sideline. The sacker did his thing but I was able to ss so the ball wasn't too loose and luckily my skink stayed on. His move ten gutter has big hand though, but luckily failed the dodge in to pick up and seriously injured himself in the process with the apo already wasted. My turn and I was able to manoeuvre the sacker to the sideline where the crowd taught him a lesson and took him out of the game too. Things suddenly looking up and I was able to go into half time at 1-1. Again the weather made it tough as my carrier was out along with a saurus I think, but at least one of the vermin was out too. Carrying with a ss only skink worked okay. Things got a bit tricky at one point when my players began leaving the field but we rallied and were fairly comfortable until his gutter made a desperation 5+ dodge for -2d on the ball which of course came up double tackle pow (he had tackle). My ss stopped my being surfed but luckily the ball went infield and we were able to make the 3+ pick up to score in turn 8. The problem was I hadn't been able to get near the one turner at all that half and the shots I had on him early in the game had been ineffective. So I was faced with the possibility of losing 3-2 to two successive one turners if he got the coin toss, which would have been pretty hard to take. Due to second half attrition, I now didn't have enough men to cover the back line either, but luckily the gutter snaked the catch and the game was won. An exciting final that came down to a few key moments that went my way. Well played DrD and I look forward to meeting again soon. ”