CTV 1480k+425k Squig Herders


Inducements: Star player Lorebass, Star player Thundershout Gristlegnasher
Albion Fae CTV 1930k

20000 (1 FAME)

#8 Pokit 'ard – Fractured Skull (-AV)
#90 Lorebass – Dead (RIP)
#4 Theresa May – Broken Ribs (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Some highlights/lowlights start with a massive impact which was a Fae fan throwing a rock at Big King in our backfield and KO'ing him! Couldn't have that so I apo'd him to stunned. Still leaving a mess at our back but we could later retrieve the long kick. Not only that but I recklessly blitzed forward and piled on with our other Hopper-Hardest Nutz. I forgot PO was changed to use a RR here, and even with that the Faerie was unhurt. Hardest Nutz was then cas'd by a gang foul! No apo left available for him.
Big King and co moved to one flank, then shifted to the centre. But we reckoned without a break tackling, move 3 Fenbeast! Big King was stunned by Dredd. Soon a Brownie had taken the ball away to score at the end of the half. Not only that but Dredd blitzed Big King and ko'd him. So far we hadn't hurt any of their players, but a couple more Gobbos had been taken out.
Second half, Big King leapt in and blitzed their ball carrier legend Fae Bix. But she was unhurt and after a Fae fumble somehow Dredd caught the ball! Big King twice tried to get him down, succeeding the 2nd time. But this time a Brownie caught the ball! It then pulled off a dodge and a handoff to another Brownie. And then even a 4+ pass went to a Faerie to get their 2nd TD. What a move. Meanwhile we had taken some big hits and the bodies were piling up in our KO and cas boxes.
In the sweltering heat a Fenbeast missed the setup for the 2nd time. We had some time left for a consolation. The play was spread and Big King went up one side. Thundershout finally helped by managing to stun Dredd. Big King had space to get the TD. Just before that a Gobbo had hit at their legend Fae Bix. But the Fae caused him to double skull. Then she immediately wandered over to Lorebass and killed him in a foul. Wow!
Block and especially Tackle from the Fenbeasts was important today. We didn't avoid the big, slow fellas zones well at all. Congrats to Big Slaine for his monster record! Big King is still looking to earn legendary status. Meanwhile rookie squig Hellmouth Jr caused our only casualty right at the end of the match. Despite Big King's antics that earns the Squig our MVP. He now shows Guard talent.”