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Match Result · League division
Match recorded on 2004-07-17 00:51:42
CTV 1760k High Elf
Winnings 40k
+1 Dedicated Fans
Casualties 0/0/0
Human CTV 1920k
40k Winnings
Fanfactor No change
1/0/0 Casualties
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I-House keep the dream alive!

In a fantastic display of Blood Bowl prowess today, I-House defeated the Lords of War 3-2 in a hard fought contest.

From the kickoff, Lords of War began the trend of advancing the ball down the sidelines. I-House moved to block the path, and also knocked out star Dragon Warrior Lord Malice with a timely boot. The Lords were able to clear a path however, and the first TD went to Lord Forbidden.

I-House soon lined up to reply, and formed a pocket close to the sideline, with their new catcher holding the ball within. Lords attempted to surround the pocket, but I-House soon blitzed a gap, and Richie III was in for the first of hopefully many TD's.

Lords second drive began with another attempt to drive it up the sideline, but Lord Brutal failed to pick up the ball! I-House positioned it's players, and then sent Cannon in for the blitz, but he failed spectacularly! Lord Brutal then managed to pick up the ball and pass it after some more manouevering by the elves, but Helm'ron, strainging to get away, fell flat on his faceand the ball came lose! From here I-House used Richie III's mobility to get the ball to Micky Ellem, whose Nerves of Steel thwarted the attentions of the two elvish defenders marking him. He then dodged and took off, before throwing a perfect pass to Cannon, who had been left alone after his unfortunate blitz in the Lords backfield. Despite being knocked over by the Lords near the endzone, the elves were simply not quite quick enough after being caught out of position, and in one of the elflike displays of agility he is famous for, Cannon was able to dodge, pick up the ball and plant it in the endzone.

Lords began their next drive with a more successful surge down the sideline, forming a tight pocket. I-House however, had learned from their mistake the first, and were able to cover the move well, preventing the Lords from scoring before the half-time bell.

Lining up to receive the ball in the second half, I-House were quietly confident that there hard work in the first half would pay off. This complacency was paid for however, as Lords caught the humans offguard with a Blitz! Boots'ron went through the weakside defence of I-House to catch the ball. Unfortunately, the rest of the Lords were positioned too far back to take full advantage, taking up strong position along the line of scrimmage and hoping Boots'ron Blodging abilities would help him stay upright till help could arrive. This was indeed correct, as I-House failed to knock over the wily elf. However, they put into practice their back up plan, surrounding the elf and preventing help from getting to him. He would need something special to get out of the trap I-House had set for him. Moving up to support, Lords did manage to turn it into a one on one block for Boots'ron. However, after a pathetic attempt at the block that left no-one fazed, Boots'ron decided to go for a more typical elven solution and dodge, which with the heavy attention of the I-House defenders failed. I-House cleared out around the ball, and star thrower Camo was able to grab the ball and walk into a loose pocket formed by his teammates. Meanwhile the world's most underrated player, Micky Ellem snuck forward in the hope of receving a pass in the following turn.

Lords were able to clear a path to Camo, and Lord Malice soon stepped up to the plate for a Blitz! I-House had this plan pre-empted however, as Camo soon dumped the ball off to the ever aware Robby. After some careful positioning of his teammates, Robbie then dodged away from the despairing elves, handing off the ball to Micky, whose Nerves of Steel allowed him to ignore the feeble attentions of Lord Revenge. Micky then dodged away, and ran, straining to reach the endzone, and despite almost stumbling he made it! I-House up 3-1!

Lords needed to score quickly in the following drive, but their plans for a quick strike down the sideline were thwarted when Coach Chunknanimous perfectly predicted the formation, and I-House switched their defense to compensate at the last minute! Lords remained calm however, masterfully switching the axis of their offense to the other end of the field. Despite some strong attention, Lords were able to break out, and using the abilities of their very own Iceman Lord Revenge, who promptly dodged away and scored the equaliser!

Halfway through the second half, and one more TD for I-House would seal the game, but if Lords could get through for an equaliser, it was unlikely they'd get a response. I-House again formed a strong pocket down the flanks of the pitch, but this time young Richie III let his rookie nerves get the better of him, dropping yet another perfectly aimed pass form Camo, but the ball was still well protected. Lords responded with a strategy of containment, being contend to put tackle zones on many I-House players, but only one on the ball. I-House soon pushed him away, and after the double team of Cannon and Jez gave themselves some room, Camo grabbed the ball, and handed it off to Cannon. Lords repsonded by shuffling the I-House players around with some well placed blocks, and then Lord Malice stepped in with a brilliant blitz, knocking over his human counterpart, and the crowd threw the ball back onto the pitch in I-House's backfield, where Helm'ron failed to pick it up! I-House then cleared him away from the ball, protecting it heavily, while positioning the rest of their players. Then Camo stepped in picked up the ball, and rifled a pass to Robby, who while all alone was a long way from any elven defenders. Lords responded by knocking him over, leaving the ball free in the Lords backfield, and running Lord Revenge towards the endzone, hoping for another touchdown at the last second. After almost celebrating too early, Coach Chunknanimous' timely reminder that there was infact time left allowed I-House to blitz Lord Revenge, the only one close enough to score, and this threat was finally averted when Camo put in a well timed boot. Coach Chunknanimous even prevented Camo from being sent off, keeping him in the running for the Twahnlow medal this year.

In a surprise note at the end of the game, I-House's favourite simpleton and punching bag, Coach Chunknanimous' retarded nephew Chunky, finally learnt something after 19 games! Future opponents beware of his ability to Block!
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