CTV 1720k+230k Underworld Denizens


Inducements: 1 bribe, Star player Gobbler Grimlich
Goblin CTV 1970k

13000 (1 FAME)

No change
Inducements: 1 bribe
#12 Blake Souce – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
#15 Spike Skinelf – Groin Strain (MNG)
#12 Grabby Goz – Poisoned (MNG)
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Attention from the doctor meant he came back out to play, and it wasn't long before we were 2-0 down. With disturbing presence littering the pitch there didn't seem much chance of a conciliatory one-turner, so we did our best to avoid a 3-0 drubbing.
With the final kick off, a bit of a surge forward. Big Lunky took his second casualty, removing Spike Skinelf with a groin strain and preventing the voices bothering him in his thick skulled head any more. The ball ended up in a scrum for a while, until the Creepers got it out to a waiting lineman. Ard Baz and the rest of the goblins that weren't tied up in tentacles shoved him back out of scoring distance, and then Souce, over confident in his ratty muscles, tried to take down Grabby Goz.
Both players clattered to the floor, and although Souce got a stab in there with his poisoned dagger, the goblin came off better, Souce taking a career-ending wallop to the collar bone. The crowd erupted in their usual chant of "nobody gets to have any nice things" as the rat was stretchered off, while gate receipts show people were twice as happy to pay to see the goblins lose as the Creepers win. No justice in this world.”