“Game 2 vs the RMC She-Devils. Freshmen Zons vs Beastmen... skills wise, a total mismatch! Bizons elect to kick. She-Devils grind their way down the field with great positioning and solid hits, taking out an early CAS and two KOs on the Bizons while the She-Devils only suffered one one KO. Finding themselves in a precarious position on turn 5 but with the ball on the scoring line, the She-Devils take the TD, 1-0. The Bizons offence falters on turn 8 - needing a 3+, 4+, blitz push, 4+ hand-off, 3+ dodge and two GFIs for a TD, it fell apart on the first roll. Second half - The Bizons catch the ball in their own end zone... a long way to go, out-numbered and facing a stiff D. But, a turn 12 ball spill on the sideline saw the ball thrown in deep in the Bizons half... only two players could reach it - Chaos warrior Forks Fullback vs a scrawny freshman linewoman. It could only go one way-...bam, down she went. Forks then set himself up on the other side of the field for a turn 16 pass play....the rest of the beastmen did their job and held up the She-Devils from hitting the quarterback or receiver (his little journeyman brother, The Forks - now hired).... 4+, 3+, TD!!! Tie game, a second turn 16 miracle tie for the Bizons. thx Alexis”
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