CTV 1960k Shambling Undead

18000 (1 FAME)

Slann CTV 1550k+400k


Inducements: 1 wandering apothecary, 1 bloodweiser keg, Star player Slibli
#6 Marc Ekker – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
#10 Julian Starr – Dead (RIP)
#15 Dhofar Lemon – Broken Jaw (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Week 2 - Out of Conference
The Darkside Tour continued as the Miami BallHawks arrived in Ottawa to face the Bee-Bees, a team know for their offensive and defensive performances, and their legendary Ghoul, Julian Starr. Miami decided to bring along some hired help for the match, as well as some support in case of rampant injuries to their players.
Ottawa won the coin toss and elected to receive, as Miami set up in Longbow defense, with Ottawa going nearly full press on the LOS. The kick came down midway into the Bee-Bees' side of the pitch, and though Ottawa managed a few hits, including a KO, they fumbled the pick up attempt. Miami opened up by crippling a zombie, before having a player break their own jaw on a failed dodge attempt. Ottawa regain the advantage by eliminating two more players from the pitch and collecting the ball, but then threw the ball away on dropped pass, but safely out of Miami's range. Miami pressed hard to get within range of the ball, leaving themselves fully exposed on the flank, as Ottawa and the ball slipped through. The Bee-Bees chose to score, putting the first point of the game on the board.
Still 11-on-11, Ottawa kicked the ball to Miami, who were looking to even the score before the close of the first half, but instead found Ottawa performing a switch up, leaving the BallHawk offense out of place. The ball bounced out of the endzone, but Miami's push stopped early with another failed dodge attempt. In came Julian Starr, setting down the ball carrier as the ball bounced loose, yet unrecoverable by Ottawa. Miami cleared Julian away from the ball and made to collect and pass the ball to their catcher, but the rookie linefrog instead injured himself on yet another failed dodge. Ottawa surrounded the ball and the BallHawks, but Miami fought back, clearing several defenders from the ball, only for (you guessed it) another linefrog to KO themselves on a failed dodge. Ottawa picked up the ball and walked into the endzone, take a commanding lead, 2-nil. Miami received the ball one last time, but could only manage a few blocks and a bumbled pick up before the whistle blew, ending the first half.
Playing 11-on-10, Ottawa kicked off to Miami, who with their opening play, blitzed and killed Julian Starr. So shocked by the death of their teammate, the Bee-Bees did not notice where their blocks were pushing their opponents, as they inadvertently opened a lane for the Miami to pass the ball to one of their Blitzers, as the rest of the BallHawks leapt in to screen off the defense. Unable to wrestle the ball away, Ottawa could only watch at Miami scored a touchdown, shortening Ottawa's lead, 2-1.
Ottawa prepared to receive the kickoff, looking to secure the victory, but Miami blitzed into Ottawa's half of the pitch before the ball had landed, attempting to get an outstretched hand under the ball. The catch was dropped, and the ball bounced out of another BallHawks' hands (admittedly still slick with blood), and right into the hands of one of the remaining Bee-Bees'ghouls. Ottawa wasted no time to breakout and make for the sideline, looking to protect the ball, but Miami executed a flawless blitz, knocking the ball out of bounds. The ball was thrown back in by the fans, where the BallHawks were able to recover, and punt the ball further down field. Though Ottawa managed to recover the ball, Miami came right back, setting the ball loose and marking it. Ottawa cleared the defenders from the ball, but in the panic, fumbled the pickup attempt. Miami pulled down the offending ghoul marking the ball and leapt clear, collecting the ball, and evening the score, 2-all.
Ottawa needed to find a way to turn the tide of this disastrous second half, and their fans provide the answer, storming the field (likely in retaliation for the death of Julian Starr) as Miami kicked the ball to Ottawa, leaving only five Miami players on defense. The Bee-Bees advanced, reducing Miami's defense to three players in the process, but a poor block left the ball lying in their backfield, and the BallHawks managed to mark the loose ball. Immediately following this one last Miami player KO'ed themselves on a failed dodge attempt. Covering all potential threats, Ottawa gained control of the ball and made a pass attempt for a possible breakout, but the uncontested catch was dropped. The BallHawks began celebrating too early, leaving the Bee-Bees one final attempt to win the match, staging an impressive run n' gun play, chain pushing a Wight within range of the endzone, dodging past a defender, collecting the ball, and firing off a perfect pass, all for the same Wight to again drop the uncontested catch. The ball was thrown back in by the fans, but only bounced to midfield as the final whistle blew, signaling the end of the match.
Against all odds Miami came back and secured a most unlikely tie against a juggernaut of a team, and ending the careers of two of their players in the process. This was truly a "tale of two halves" kind of match.
Good game!”