CTV 1970k Wood Elf

No change

Elven Union CTV 1830k+100k


No change
Inducements: 1 wandering apothecary
#1 9th Age VIII – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
#2 Kings of War IX – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
But to start with we were both just concerned to get some scores under our belts, and this we did with typical elven speed, one or other of us scoring every second turn. And while we weren't trying to score, steinerp was going on a blitz frenzy with Age of Sigmar. Sadly, he's lost a ST, so it occurred to me the best defence I could muster against him was to place one of my journeymen right in front of him, thereby making steinerp have to find a couple of spare players in order to get the two dice blocks in - and with sweltering heat playing havoc with both teams, finding two spare players for his blitz assists meant steinerp was having to be a bit thin on his passer protection.
But nothing too dramatic happened, and it was 3-2 to the union with just my turn 8 left. I set up for the 1-turn attempt and as my sure-footed catcher was out, I was going to have to rely on a lot of kind dice...
But as it turned out, I wasn't going to have to rely on the dice very much at all. steinerp rolled a blitz, and I'd rather foolishly left one of his LoS players unmarked. So he promptly made a 1-dice blitz against my passer, knocked me over, KOd me, and then caught the kick! Ah well.
There was more to-ing and fro-ing of the scoreline in the second half and things sped along quite quickly thanks to the weather (after a very brief return to green grass, we went back into sweltering heat, and it was just as effective at reducing our numbers as before). And also, surprisingly, my blocking. Or to be more specific, steinerp's injury rolls, which left one player dead (safely apothecaried) and two with -ST. And it wasn't even Spiderplant making the hits.
So in the end, it was something of a Pyrrhic victory for steinerp, albeit a very deserved one. However, Age of Sigmar did pick up two of the cas he needs - and caused a few KOs as well along the way so I suppose he does have cause to be happy.
And I threw 4 for 51 so I, too, have cause to be happy.
And I bought myself a new lineman and picked up a couple of skills - including a second tackle. Hmm, I'm starting to feel like a proper team again. Which can only mean disaster is looming...”