“I found this game at 11:30 server time, finished it at 13:10 due to my opponent disconnecting lots of time.
If your connection sucks, don't keep people stuck in game and don't force them to waste their time due to your own issues.
Concede the game and don't waste other people's time. It's your fault: your fault for your unstable connection (when my connection has issues I try to fix it as soon as possible, I don't play online games), your fault for not conceding after you found that your connection was not stable after you started the game.
Learn to be responsible of your connection and don't bother other people with your issues.
Time is currency of life, if your time is not important for you ok, but for me it is and don't waste it. Learn to be polite and don't waste other people's time. ”
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If your connection sucks, don't keep people stuck in game and don't force them to waste their time due to your own issues.
Concede the game and don't waste other people's time. It's your fault: your fault for your unstable connection (when my connection has issues I try to fix it as soon as possible, I don't play online games), your fault for not conceding after you found that your connection was not stable after you started the game.
Learn to be responsible of your connection and don't bother other people with your issues.
Time is currency of life, if your time is not important for you ok, but for me it is and don't waste it. Learn to be polite and don't waste other people's time. ”