CTV 1500k+280k Chaos Dwarf


Inducements: 1 bribe, 1 bloodweiser keg, Star player Nobbla Blackwart
Necromantic Horror CTV 1780k

17000 (1 FAME)

#4 Andre One-Eye – Dead (RIP)
#11 Zayden Ziggurrat – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#5 James Fleming – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The first kick went to the Illini, and after a failed Hobgoblin hand-off in the backfield...there was a lot of pushing and shoving. Devil Coleman got a little too eager, and ended up on his back amidst a horde of Illini. A shady looking goblin with a chainsaw performed a shockingly obvious foul, and sent Devil off of the pitch with a nasty wound. Gold changed hands, and the ringer was allowed to keep playing.
A few rounds of pushing and shoving later, and Eerie Faison managed to repay Nobbla the Chainsaw git with a nasty wound of his own(legally), removing him from the game. Devil, on the other hand, had recovered with some Necromancer nonsense and was rearing to return.
Nathaniel Trollbighter the Hobgoblin was making his way up the sideline with the ball, but bogged down around midfield. The sideline is not somewhere you want to be versus the frenzy heavy Horrors. One of his fellow Hobgoblins found that out, and ended up in the crowd.
Nathaniel tried to dodge out of the predicament, but lost the ball and saw stars on the pitch. Demon Bailey, the buff Ghoul managed to pick it up, and make a break down the field. His touchdown was assured and it ended the half. In the main melee, Robert Wight managed to fracture Mateo the Bull Centaur's leg...but he has 3 more, and a decent doctor. He was patched up on the sideline.
Stefan Stojanovic, recruited from the St. Louis team in the most recent match, apparently was feeling lonely. The zombie rookie murdered Andre One-Eye, and now Indiana has two stolen recruits.
The second half started with Indiana receiving the ball. Devil Coleman was once again removed from the pitch early, and the Senior got to take a nice nap on the sideline.
Bobby Wight managed to break another leg, this time it was the niggled and way too awesomely named Hobgoblin Zayden Ziggurrat, but only having two...he'll be out for a while.
Another Illinois player found themselves pushed out into an angry crowd by an angrier werewolf, and ended up rather hurt. And shortly thereafter, Robert Wight got his third casualty recorded of the day, badly injuring another Hobgoblin.
Demon tripped trying to run a little too far...and the ball was in peril for a moment...until the Minotaur managed to fall over after running into a wall of Flesh Golem and falling over. All that was left was for Ernie Skull-Pyle, the intrepid student journalist turned Blood Bowl runner, to scoop up the loose ball, and score his first career TD, with a little last minute blocking support by his stronger Senior Ghoul colleague.
After that, it was all over but the bleeding. A pair of zombies were removed from the field as casualties, and a flesh golem was KOed..but it wasn't enough. Johnathan Blood Banks managed to recover the ball after a risky blitz on the ball carrier, but the heroic Hobgoblin Leo knocked him out of the game, and saved a third potential TD score against his unlucky team.
After the game, Junior Zombie James Fleming, an Air Force alumnus, was quietly removed from the team to make room for the pair of promising young acquired Freshman.
(A lot of words to say that Valen got pretty boned on dice)