CTV 1680k Shambling Undead

18000 (1 FAME)

Tomb Kings CTV 1530k+150k


No change
Inducements: 1 bribe, 1 bloodweiser keg
#3 Kuiying Chen – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#16 Arnaud Weck – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#6 Psamtic – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#7 Habibah – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The blood flowed. It pooled, and it spilled, and it seeped away until there were rivers on the field.
The last of the monster strength for players was taken out on turn 1. The most promising Mummy in the teams history was crippled, never to see the pitch again.
But.. Michele Loewen. All eyes have been on Starr for so long, Michele was fed up. Pissed off.
The rain came down, and the LumberingJacks were perturbed. Ottawa kicked the ball perfectly into the far corner of the pitch, right in the end zone. The appointed one couldn't pick the ball up in the rain, and Michele raced straight for the ball, and then stalled out for a 1-0.
But she wasn't done there. Receiving in the second half, she followed her front line in, as the two teams smashed each other into the pitch, and scored on turn 5.
Finally, StephenF.Austin lined up in a very aggressive offense, so she soared around it, scooped up the ball as skeletons and zombies were removed all over the pitch, and scored again, risking it all as Brandi similarly played -2d blocks just to uncover the ball.
Michele won the game, 3-0. She smashed the annointed one out in the process. And the crowd, the fans, the team, the coaches, all saw... Michele could make them remember Starr. Nay, Michele could replace Star.
Michele... would ECLIPSE Starr.
Ottawa is HER team now. And she shall take no prisoners.
Thanks for the match Durthu!