CTV 1870k Ethereal (CIBBL)


Inducements: 1 bribe
Half-Elf (CIBBL) CTV 1320k+540k


Inducements: 1 bribe, Star player Elektra, Star player The Masked Diestro
#91 The Masked Diestro – Fractured Arm (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
By Glick Martzmann of Altdorf Sport Telegraph
And so with a whimper the Waystone Outcasts completed their tour of the Haunted Hills with another disaster of a game. This time they managed to keep everyone in one piece, but they were not their usual confident selves, with errors abundant.
The horrific visages of the ethereal players was too much for the shell shocked Outcast players and they refused to engage on many occasions, whilst backup thrower Skylar Jetéri had a terrible game, failing 3 passes and a pickup. The fans have cruelly nicknamed her Skylar "Jittery". Star banshee Nicolete de Mousillon ran in an easy 4 touchdowns unopposed for the Haunters. Star player Masked Diestro was not pleased to find he had been hired to face ghosts, phoned it in and cried off early with a cut lip.
The small blessing of their final opponents mysteriously vanishing from the league, did little to improve the mood in the Outcasts camp.
Whilst CIBBL representatives refused to comment on the ill-fated tour, an inside source revealed that the ratings for the associated show were good and they were keen to repeat the experiment!”