“The must win game of the season for the Sandstorm. They could hardly hold their skulls up high and look people in the eye socket if they got beaten by a rag-tag bunch of filthy dust goblins could they? A team of good, honest, salt plain dust goblins wasn't going to lose to this bunch of pretenders. What would their mother's say? Even if that rag tag bunch of goblins had bought along Ripper Bolgrot for support.
Both teams swarmed onto the pitch with Sandstorm managing to sneak 14 players on to the field in the confusion of the blizzard (any dirty trick would be fully leveraged to demonstrate their incredible moral superiority). Unfortunately the Pro's immediately stole the Sandstorm's ball and made off down the left flank in a display of competence the the Sandstorm just didn't seem capable of. Kik'im even managed to get spotted by the ref doing some ground work despite a screen of his own players and a blizzard to hide his dirty work.
Somehow the Sandstorm got the ball back (Khok'tap) and scored (Khok'tap) and were saved from embarrassment for the half. 1-0 Khok'tap, I mean Sandstorm.
The teams again swarmed onto the pitch, another 26 skeleton plus one troll half. It was a very cagey start with the Sandstorm standing off and just hoping the sheer amount of players on the pitch would make it tough to equalise.
With Ripper clawed off the field by The Mechanism and the Pro's Ushabti rooted to the line the Sandstorm took the upper hand and started to squeeze. Eventually the mistake came and the Sandstorm rushed in and tied up anyone who looked like they could punch through wet papyrus, which was remarkably few players (four, although one couldn't actually move and one was lying on the floor). This led to a big dust goblin off in which the Sandstorm clearly demonstrated salt plain goblin superiority by cunningly bring a large scorpion with them.
2-0 Sandstorm.
(Second TD also Khok'tap, obviously)
Khok'tap is rumoured to be in strength training, his agent says it's because he's realised he needs to carry the rest of the team.”
Both teams swarmed onto the pitch with Sandstorm managing to sneak 14 players on to the field in the confusion of the blizzard (any dirty trick would be fully leveraged to demonstrate their incredible moral superiority). Unfortunately the Pro's immediately stole the Sandstorm's ball and made off down the left flank in a display of competence the the Sandstorm just didn't seem capable of. Kik'im even managed to get spotted by the ref doing some ground work despite a screen of his own players and a blizzard to hide his dirty work.
Somehow the Sandstorm got the ball back (Khok'tap) and scored (Khok'tap) and were saved from embarrassment for the half. 1-0 Khok'tap, I mean Sandstorm.
The teams again swarmed onto the pitch, another 26 skeleton plus one troll half. It was a very cagey start with the Sandstorm standing off and just hoping the sheer amount of players on the pitch would make it tough to equalise.
With Ripper clawed off the field by The Mechanism and the Pro's Ushabti rooted to the line the Sandstorm took the upper hand and started to squeeze. Eventually the mistake came and the Sandstorm rushed in and tied up anyone who looked like they could punch through wet papyrus, which was remarkably few players (four, although one couldn't actually move and one was lying on the floor). This led to a big dust goblin off in which the Sandstorm clearly demonstrated salt plain goblin superiority by cunningly bring a large scorpion with them.
2-0 Sandstorm.
(Second TD also Khok'tap, obviously)
Khok'tap is rumoured to be in strength training, his agent says it's because he's realised he needs to carry the rest of the team.”