CTV 1350k+100k Dust Goblin: Nagash
Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, Card Belt of Invulnerability
Zandri: Settra CTV 1440k
No change
#12 Smeg the Undying – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#11 Preston Auden – Gouged Eye (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The first stabbing though was the Rebuilt Mechanism which obviously had a sword shaped hole in it; Coach SW sat in the dugout was now looking pretty nervous. Thankfully not long after that the DtD ball carrier fell over under pressure to escape Kik'im the Dirty whose reputation preceded him and Khok'tap's bony talons were immediately on the ball. He ran up and down the end zone whilst the rest of the team tried to foul anyone with a sword. 1-0 Sandstorm and one sword arm crushed beneath the boots of Tossit.
Second half and the Sandstorm were almost instantly 11-7 up in numbers. Then 11-6. Then 11-5. There was no danger so Khok'tap tossed the ball forward to Mugg the Morbid (cruelly teased by the fans as Mugg the Overshadowed) waiting in the endzone. 2-0 Sandstorm and looking for 3.
11 of the Sandstorm lined up against only 8 opponents who were looking just to save what little remained of their bony faces. Khok'tap almost regained possession only to be stabbed by the ball itself which had decided it was on the DtD's side Luckily with the last action of the game Mugg managed to get his second to take top scorer and silence his critics.
3-0 Sandstorm.
Next up - the heavily fancied Lumberjacks for a chance at the finals.”