“With rumours of the league about to crack down on the blatant "massaging" of accounts done by the dust goblin teams to hide the true value of player salaries the Sandstorm were on edge. The hostile crowd, having read all about the allegations made their feelings known physically, invading the pitch and beating the entire Sandstorm front line and left flank like a dusty carpet.
After the referee finally got back control a carefully thrown bomb (thrown carefully by the skeleton who caught the initial hilariously wayward pass) took down a further goblin and annihilated the remains of two more that were already well stomped by the crowd. The Sandstorm were down to the regulation 11 players with only 5 on their feet.
The aforementioned dodgy accounting had allowed the purchase of a wizard who was immediately called into action to turn the Lumberjacks star stalker into a frog. This he duly did before fleeing the stadium in case the crowd spotted him. It was now a race for the Sandstorm to badly hurt the frog before the Lumberjacks could score and turn him back into star player material.
Hurting him proved difficult, a bomb thrown at him accidentally blew up Khok'tap and things were looking disastrous until the Mechanism managed to impale the slimy little amphibian on his tail just as the Lumberjacks crossed the whitewash. 1- 0 Lumberjacks but advantage Sandstorm?
The Sandstorm drive would be without Khok'tap, still recovering Tossit's bomb, and Tossit who'd been sent off for ..er.. throwing bombs. Fortunately the zealous ref was obviously a bit of a Bloodbowl purist and had also sent off the Lumberjack bomber and one of two chainsaws. Snik the Sneaky, eager for 5 minutes of fame, took responsibility for the ball and the Sandstorm battered their way downfield. In Khok'taps absence Mugg the Morbid shone yet again, taking out one of the Lumberjack stalkers on the way downfield. Snik ran it in unmolested for his first ever TD. 1-1.
Back at almost full strength for the second half the Sandstorm headed downfield. Ramses Niblik III Kerplunk Kerplunk Kerplunk took out the third Lumberjack stalker who was closely followed by the fourth and final stalker who tripped badly moments later. With only a few unorganised skeletons left to stop them, the Sandstorm ground downfield for the victory. 2-1 Sandstorm. ”
After the referee finally got back control a carefully thrown bomb (thrown carefully by the skeleton who caught the initial hilariously wayward pass) took down a further goblin and annihilated the remains of two more that were already well stomped by the crowd. The Sandstorm were down to the regulation 11 players with only 5 on their feet.
The aforementioned dodgy accounting had allowed the purchase of a wizard who was immediately called into action to turn the Lumberjacks star stalker into a frog. This he duly did before fleeing the stadium in case the crowd spotted him. It was now a race for the Sandstorm to badly hurt the frog before the Lumberjacks could score and turn him back into star player material.
Hurting him proved difficult, a bomb thrown at him accidentally blew up Khok'tap and things were looking disastrous until the Mechanism managed to impale the slimy little amphibian on his tail just as the Lumberjacks crossed the whitewash. 1- 0 Lumberjacks but advantage Sandstorm?
The Sandstorm drive would be without Khok'tap, still recovering Tossit's bomb, and Tossit who'd been sent off for ..er.. throwing bombs. Fortunately the zealous ref was obviously a bit of a Bloodbowl purist and had also sent off the Lumberjack bomber and one of two chainsaws. Snik the Sneaky, eager for 5 minutes of fame, took responsibility for the ball and the Sandstorm battered their way downfield. In Khok'taps absence Mugg the Morbid shone yet again, taking out one of the Lumberjack stalkers on the way downfield. Snik ran it in unmolested for his first ever TD. 1-1.
Back at almost full strength for the second half the Sandstorm headed downfield. Ramses Niblik III Kerplunk Kerplunk Kerplunk took out the third Lumberjack stalker who was closely followed by the fourth and final stalker who tripped badly moments later. With only a few unorganised skeletons left to stop them, the Sandstorm ground downfield for the victory. 2-1 Sandstorm.