CTV 1480k Orc

11000 (1 FAME)
No change

Elven Union CTV 1430k+50k


Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
#11 Gobstoppa – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#9 Yate Funlan – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#14 Calan Gern-y-fhain – Damaged Back (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
So basically, it went something like this...
My first offensive drive was interrupted by a blitz on the kick-off, which led to the elves getting the ball and running in the score.
My second offensive drive then failed twice, first when the thrower threw an interception, had to reroll the safe throw and then had to reroll the throw before he finally failed. He then made amends on the following turn by intercepting the elf throw, only to have his long pass into the endzone dropped. This led to the elves getting the ball and running in the score.
Then it was my turn to start the half with a blitz, and it was a pretty neat one as well. The kick was really short, I managed to get my thrower beneath the ball with a blitzer and goblin in support and the rest of the team right behind. Then the thrower failed to catch the kick. This led to the elves getting the ball and running in the score.
On my next drive everything suddenly came together (thanks in part to Cobreti helping me out by rolling double double skulls). I got to throw a long pass, catch in a TZ, blitz free and head for the endzone... only to fail the final gfi and have my poor goblin KO himself and send the ball back out into the open field. This led to the elves getting the ball and running in the score.
And on my final attempt, the fans threw a rock and stunned the thrower so that was the end of the passing game. After that, only a miracle would have given me a score, and it didn't happen.
So an easy win for Cobreti in what proved to be a very fast and fun game. And on my side there was nothing worse than a single gobbo missing a game, so that was a good result. 2 for 18 passing stats is pretty poor, but hopefully the bang on the head at the end has knocked some sense into Dead Eyes and he'll be back on form for the next game.”