“Opponent played a great game. He did so well that for what couldve been his second TD instead of taking it, he just kind of tried to hand off to a saurus. No risk to losing to why not? Good job.
My ogres got really diced this game. I rolled more skulls and BDs than any other result and my second highest dg was a 1 - a recipe for a game that went wildly out of hand in the second half. Some games, you just gotta remember that its all luck... did i pull the good dice string from the program or did it set me up with multiple turns of repeated 1s? Turns I think 3 of the first half and then 1 through 3 of the second half saw at least 3 bonehead failures with a single/double skull to kind of seal it. After that any good opponent worth their salt can take advantage of positioning and seal the game. I could not get a def down on 3 die blocks V a skink until turn 7 or 8 of the second half I think.
It was fun to watch some of the ball handling. An ogre picked up the ball in the rain and was close to scoring in the first half. Skinks would fail the pick up but the ball bounced to a saurus and a skink in different turns and both caught it again while raining.
Certainly a game I wish I could have back - when a half is this one sided its pretty much just waiting for it to end versus being a fun experience. Good job on the win! Well deserved. ”
My ogres got really diced this game. I rolled more skulls and BDs than any other result and my second highest dg was a 1 - a recipe for a game that went wildly out of hand in the second half. Some games, you just gotta remember that its all luck... did i pull the good dice string from the program or did it set me up with multiple turns of repeated 1s? Turns I think 3 of the first half and then 1 through 3 of the second half saw at least 3 bonehead failures with a single/double skull to kind of seal it. After that any good opponent worth their salt can take advantage of positioning and seal the game. I could not get a def down on 3 die blocks V a skink until turn 7 or 8 of the second half I think.
It was fun to watch some of the ball handling. An ogre picked up the ball in the rain and was close to scoring in the first half. Skinks would fail the pick up but the ball bounced to a saurus and a skink in different turns and both caught it again while raining.
Certainly a game I wish I could have back - when a half is this one sided its pretty much just waiting for it to end versus being a fun experience. Good job on the win! Well deserved. ”