CTV 2500k Wood Elf (CIBBL)


Lahmian (CIBBL) CTV 1840k+640k


No change
Inducements: 1 bribe, 1 wandering apothecary, Star player Marcus Mercury, Star player Olivia The Favourite
#14 Nimrodel – Groin Strain (MNG)
#8 Bunefer – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The first game of autumn hadn’t finished well for the Meddlers. Timaris Stormwing, the head-coach of the wood elves, was thinking which strategy to apply in the second game, against Scions of Neferata. “We beat them 4-0 last time”, Timaris said to no one in particular. “It was a walkover”, he continued talking to himself while walking to and fro in his hotel room. “But something tells me it will be different this time”, he pondered. Rumor had it the Scions had recruited two promising star players for the game, Marcus Mercury and Olivia the Favourite. Both mercenaries were powerfully built, combining athletic grace with decent ball handling skills.
Finally, after much consideration, Timaris called for his assistant Mereia. The former catcher had become a staff member when a serious injury had ended her player career abruptly. Mereia entered the room, wearing her cap backwards, as usual. She had left her shades at home though, since evening started falling already. Suspecting her boss’ purpose, she offered her opinion straight away. “The thing about bloodbowl is”, she started without finishing her phrase as she diverted her head to grab a glass of martini from a plateau being carried away by a waiter. She took a mouthful of the reddish liquid and swallowed it down before continuing. “The thing is, the one who score the most touchdowns wins the game”, Mereia said looking Timaris straight in the eye. “Well, thank you for those words of wisdom”, the Meddlers’ head coach replied sarcastically, turning his face back towards the staple of notes lingering on the desk in front of him. “You’re welcome”, Mereia replied, ignoring the irony. She emptied her glass, put it down on Timaris’ desk and said: “Going to get some sleep now. Tomorrow is a big day”. And with that she left the room and closed the door behind her back, leaving Timaris pondering.
As usual, Mereia arrived in the stadium only minutes before the start of the game. Carrying a glass of martini in her hand, she installed herself comfortably in her favorite corner of the dugout. Meanwhile Timaris was offering his last instructions for the team before the kick-off. From what she could hear, it looked like the Meddlers had opted for a high- pressure game. Score quick, steal quick, that kind of thing. Coincidentally, it was also her favorite playstyle. Then the referee whistled and the match begun. Facing vampires, the Meddlers had opted to kick rather than receive. A perfect defense allowed the wood elves to increase pressure even before the game had started. The Scions picked up the ball, passed it and ran for the opposite side of the field. This was half-expected though. The Meddlers corrected their feint, and Ethandril leapt in the half-cage, wrestling down the vampire carrying the ball. An astonished Marcus Mercury caught the scatter and got surrounded by elves.
Next turn he escaped with the help of his teammates, before handing the ball over to the legendary Lahmian vampire Lahmose. Timaris wondered what kind of creature was hiding behind the golden mask, before he returned his wits to the game and urged his Meddlers to keep up the pressure. Keira moved in and assisted Nimrodel in kicking the ball loose again, and once more Marcus Mercury caught the scatter. So far the wood elves lacked the necessary luck to turn their pressure into a ball steal. The Meddlers remained determined though. Ethandril repeated his wardance from a few turns earlier and took Marcus down. This time the ball landed on the floor. Then Syrabeth prepared to move in, but she snaked a dodge and landed on her back on the pitch. The Scions scored an easy touchdown one turn later. “Dammit”, Timaris cursed. “Three turns we cut that ball loose, but those vampires are unstoppable”, he continued. “Maybe it’s the masks”, Mereia offered mysteriously, lowering her shades before emptying her first glass of the evening.
The Meddlers reacted by quickly sending Syrabeth down into the Scions’ backfield. A soft screen was set up around her, but it was unraveled by Kentetenka’s hypnotic gaze. Then Marcus moved in and took down Syrabeth, who dropped the ball in front of her. Luckily for the Meddlers, there was no Scion left to move in and pick it up. That was the sign for Nimrodel to unleash his devils. He leapt over some bystanders’ heads, landed on the ball, grabbed it, punished Marcus for his last turn’s move and finally ran the ball to the endzone: 1-1 with two turns left to play.
During the third drive the Meddlers focused on defense. Despite taking out two Scions for the remainder of the game, including the dangerous blitzer Bunefer, the vampires showed the wood elves a taste of their own medicine. Olivia dodged away and ran into the endzone, waiting for Ahmose’s long bomb: 2-1. Still, the Meddlers were not encouraged. More determined than ever they set up for the one-turner. Timaris urged Nimrodel forward. Belborth grabbed a sulky thrall from the line of scrimmage and deposed him where he had been instructed. Carefully pushing and shoving him into Nimrodel’s back, the latter was advanced into an ideal position. Then he started his long run, carefully preparing for the leap. The whole stadium held its breath when Nimrodel graciously launched himself into the air. Both Timaris and Mereia jumped up from their seats, full of expectation. The whole crowd looked at the action, staring at the graceful elf moving through the sky. And then he crashed face first into the turf, knocking himself out for the remainder of the game (and the next one too). “Damn”, Timaris exclaimed, looking down and kicked a loose rock on the ground. Even Mereia almost lost her cool, lowering her shades as if to get a better view on what had just happened.
The second half started with the Meddlers receiving the ball. This time the vampires’ tricks didn’t suffice to halt the wood elves’ advance. Trusting her innate agility, Syrabeth moved through the opposition’s line of defense and finally passed the ball to Keira: 2-2 with seven turns left on the clock. The Lahmians carefully advanced, keeping out an eye for the Meddlers’ dancers. Ethandril moved in nevertheless, but this time he miscalculated his leap and collided with the pitch’s surface. A few turns later Hauclir got a decent shot at the ball, but he couldn’t dislodge it from Ahmose’s undead hands. When both Isilvar and Syrabeth were knocked out of the game next turn (the latter by her own doing), the game seemed to have been decided. But the vampires somehow lost their cool and quickly scored, leaving the Meddlers two turns to equalize. The wood elves thankfully used the opportunity to score, fixing the 3-3 end result.
After the game had ended, Mereia watched how Timaris entered the field to recover Bunefer’s golden mask. He quickly pocketed the item, before quietly disappearing in the night.
Three touchdowns for both teams. Lots of spectacle, but in the end the opposing star players stole the show and the Meddlers got stuck with a draw!