“We get the chainsaw, which does 2 nice things, rest was bad performance. Still, thanks to a 1d block without reroll, we manage to score.
Second half we put the pressure up and they slip through. No stall possible. 1-1.
Then they kick deep. My QB fails the pickup. I manage to run it downfield nicely, but they still get their entire team back - wtf, weren't they all in our back just a second ago? Good defense. Still, should have put a sidestepper on the flank. 2d push out of the way. Handoff 3+ (reroll not needed), score.
“Thanks for the lessons. I need these wake up calls.
My sidestepper was just to far out of position to get there, but understand what you mean. Those dang little ladies played a good game.
Thank you as well MenonaLoco. ”
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Second half we put the pressure up and they slip through. No stall possible. 1-1.
Then they kick deep. My QB fails the pickup. I manage to run it downfield nicely, but they still get their entire team back - wtf, weren't they all in our back just a second ago? Good defense. Still, should have put a sidestepper on the flank. 2d push out of the way. Handoff 3+ (reroll not needed), score.
Thanks for the game, Phontome! ”