“Paris vs Ottawa. After the stalemate of the United Undead Bowl last season, both teams were raring for a rematch.
Ottawa shut down the Paris offensive - removing several players along the way - only to block a Golem who.. didn't use stand firm! Thus allowing their ball carrier to blitz free and score on turn 5.
RIOT! The Ottawa fans didn't want that! That was supposed to be a shut out drive!
So Michele picked up the ball, and did what she does - she watched more Paris players get removed (although almost nothing was sticking; the only removal that stayed was.. Paolo, killer Werewolf extraordinaire! And he was only knocked out! Easily the removal of the match), and then she scored on turn 8.
With Ottawa receiving again in the second half, the tone was set when a rookie ghoul knocked out a Paris wight on turn 1. From there, Ottawa dominated the match, ensuring there were no good moves for the DeadJokers, until finally on turn 8, Brandi set up a 3d block and.. badly hurt (failed regen) the MA9 AG4 Werewolf, and Michele strolled in the second touchdown, sealing the win.
Thanks for the match Doofr!”
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Ottawa shut down the Paris offensive - removing several players along the way - only to block a Golem who.. didn't use stand firm! Thus allowing their ball carrier to blitz free and score on turn 5.
RIOT! The Ottawa fans didn't want that! That was supposed to be a shut out drive!
So Michele picked up the ball, and did what she does - she watched more Paris players get removed (although almost nothing was sticking; the only removal that stayed was.. Paolo, killer Werewolf extraordinaire! And he was only knocked out! Easily the removal of the match), and then she scored on turn 8.
With Ottawa receiving again in the second half, the tone was set when a rookie ghoul knocked out a Paris wight on turn 1. From there, Ottawa dominated the match, ensuring there were no good moves for the DeadJokers, until finally on turn 8, Brandi set up a 3d block and.. badly hurt (failed regen) the MA9 AG4 Werewolf, and Michele strolled in the second touchdown, sealing the win.
Thanks for the match Doofr!”