“The wizards crept stealthily between the sleeping snotlings, the swish of their robes drowned out by the earth shattering snoring of the trolls. They hadn't thought it possible to be this alert and awake after a 12 hour practice session where Coach SW had made them practice rolling little cubes on the floor, putting aside all those that tended to land with one dot facing up. It made no sense. How could that help them win a game of blood bowl. They should have been busy summoning the air elementals and making them jump over increasingly bigger things whilst playing motivational music and saying things like "train hard, fight easy" whilst doing nothing that would actually make the wizards raise a sweat.
But here they were, sneaking into the oppositions quarters. They delicately fed the chunks of rotting meat spiked with the one dot happy cubes to the slumbering beasts without waking them, scattered a few in the makeshift contraptions the snotlings drove and departed. They had no concept of the significance of what they'd done, only that coach SW assured them that it was vital. They were just glad to head home to shower several times and burn their soiled robes.”
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It wasn't all dice either. Well played snorkelwanted. It was a fun one.”