CTV 1360k+360k Tomb Kings


Inducements: Star player Ramtut III
Old World Alliance CTV 1720k


No change
#2 Anubis – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#1 Briskett – Dead (RIP)
#4 Fox Meadows – Damaged Back (NI)
#7 Gogonfar Icehand – Smashed Hip (-MA)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Season 3- A Fox in the Hen House
Chapter 2
Blood and Ice
Fox Meadows steps out in a blizzard.
"Twill be a cold day in hell before I get me Nuggets bashed" Harold Crumpetarese cheeps to Fox.
"Damn straight" spits Fox "I aint playing in the snow Magoo!"
Magoo shrugged and walked off pointing Harold and Ginger toward the line of scrimmage.
It had been a big week for Fox and it was certainly playing on his mind. Making the Dibbl Hoof hit list and being called a diva was enough to turn his latte sour. He perched himself on the pine to watch.
In the whisping snow Bask, Anibus and free booter hot head Ramtut the Third cut formidable figures. Gogonfar and Grog cut past him heading towards the pitch.
"Never fear Fox we got this!" Bellowed Gogonfar strutting into the snow. "No Dusty Tomb Kings have bested me before."
Velvetfoot kicked off and the Bashers started to do just that. Pounding the halfling front line and sending Silus Rothorn for an early bath. This incensed the back line of the dwarves and they sprinted forth into the battle.
Briskett originally the team mascot a hand reared beast that the original Dwarf Slayer Grifter Gibbletstorm had brought with him to the squad. Reared up and charged forth to tale on the Tomb Kings. Unfortunately he found himself at the pointy end of the Tomb Kings fist. His lifeless corpse hit the freezing astrogranite.
How can the light that burned so brightly! Suddenly burn so pale? Fox thought to himself. Weeping in the subs box.
The Bashers pushed on battering and pounding the hapless Madheads. Before crossing for the score.
Right said fox now is the time. Fox and Puddingstone ran on for the set up there was little time left but Fox knew the play. He set up in the Wide Zone ready to sneak a few yards on the defence. Before even the whistle could be blown a swarm of Basher were upon him hitting him to the ground. Out of nowhere deviant skeleton Ack-clac-kna came sliding across the ice to drop his bony knee into Fox's aching back. His cheek pressed against the cold astrogranite a wave of agony followed by darkness enveloped Fox.
He awoke on the apothecaries table unable to move. Is this the end for Fox!