CTV 1860k+690k Shambling Undead

20000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 2 bribes, 1 wizard, Star player 'Rotten' Rick Bupkeis, Star player Ivan 'The Animal' Deathshroud
Wood Elf CTV 2560k


#6 Philharmonique – Damaged Back (NI)
#2 Dexter Crown – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#4 Chuck Berry – Groin Strain (MNG)
#6 James Bean – Damaged Back (NI)
#7 Bottletree Benno – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#10 Cypress Phil – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#11 Looley Thornton – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
#13 Hip Pete – Broken Jaw (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Woodies receive, and blitzed Ivan KO'd. I couldn't stop my enraged Wizard blasting a fireball at a group of four Woodies. He hoped to clear a path to Princess Azalea, but only one Elf went down and it didn't open up the blitz I was after. Perhaps a waste, given the Wiz could have been used to prevent the later stall.(NB I did not Zap the MV10 AG5 Catcher as Apotho would revive a frog, I wanted it KO/SI from blitz/fouls).
Princess scored quickly from the half way line.
Undead received. Alas Ivan was again KO by Throw a Rock (he never played a turn all game) and a Mummy rolled into Double Skulls. The Woodies took advantage and put the pressure. Ghouls and Wights got temporarily away, unfortunately running into another Double Skulls and the elves then got the dice to secure the ball. They stalled hard, so after gang fouling the Tree the Undead put on the heat on Slick Pete. He simply 2+ leaped over for the score: 2-0 to woodies.
Second Half with the ball nicely caged the Undead were able to focus on
Blitzing and Fouling, and the body count in the Elf dugout continued to grow. The biggest target - Princess - managed to evade capture. Undead eventually scored 2-1
Should I have scored earlier in say T4? well perhaps but it seemed pretty futile given the ease with which the elves could score back. The match was lost with those three poor turns in the First Half.
Ultimately the Undead team gave a reasonably good showing; anybody who saw that game, and has read their match record should take this team very seriously.
It does not look like Woodhead Wanderers can go much further in the competition. What A Shambles! wiped a 1000TV off the elf roster. ouch! ThatsGottaHurt