CTV 2340k Nurgle
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Nurgle CTV 1900k+430k
24000 (1 FAME)
Inducements: 1 Igor, 1 wizard, 1 bloodweiser keg, Star player Max Spleenripper
#10 Dr. Naomi Nahuw Tliug – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#12 Mingus Dew – Fractured Leg (MNG)
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Dr. Hattrick has to make up for his lack of öh, speed, and scores before halftime.
Second half they fail to remove anything and we throw all in. We get a shot at the ball, pow, throwin is into a tackle zone. Ok, no problem, Dr. HAttrick picks up, dodges away, assists block. So far so good. Chainsaw gets Dr. Hattrick down, ball pops and is recovered by their wrestle goat. Ok, we can still blitz him, pow, throwin lands in a tackle zone! whats going on! Dr. Hattrick gets cut badly by the chainsaw (mng, but regen). So, we'll have to do the ball stuff with somebody else. Our nervous pestigor needs a reroll to pick it up, shaky, but hey, it works. Screen is up too. They can't prevent the goat to score the game winner.
Thanks for the game, wintergreen!
Pd: This was the 300th game by my doctors. And i hopped to CR #1 with this game. ”