CTV 2380k+150k Necromantic Horror
20000 (2 FAME)
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Inducements: 1 wizard
Lizardmen CTV 1920k+570k
Inducements: Star player Anqi Panqi, Star player Glotl Stop
#2 Emmanuel Gwethana – Fractured Arm (MNG)
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After ko-ing their AnquiPancake, they hurry on one side where our wolf has a shot at the ball, wolf recovers and starts running. Their kroxigor has a shot at the ball: BT dodge blitz, double gfi, no reroll left. And he succeeds, but then rolls double skulls and DIES. Apo rushes in and saves the krox.
Second half we start a slow drive, but get down in numbers, so we speed it up, but they block the lane with Glotl Stop - fitting name.
Our QB has to dodge out and retreat - but next time when he advanced, the lane was clear and he ran it in.
In the end those lizards kept powing and showing staying power, so that last drive was as tough as i feared it could get. Luckily they didn't show any of that in the first half.
Thanks for the game, Gethyn! ”