CTV 2480k Wood Elf (CIBBL)


Ironbreakers (CIBBL) CTV 2040k+440k


Inducements: 1 bribe, 1 wizard, Star player Bagrud Grudgebearer
#14 Nimrodel – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
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In their second game of the season Modryn’s Midnight Meddlers would face the sturdy Star Metal Sentinels. Carrying along tons of armor on their back, Timaris Stormwing was sure the beards wouldn’t pose a threat to his Meddlers. Surely their short legs would not keep up pace with the lithe wood elves. As he was pondering how many touchdowns his team would surely score, he enjoyed a delicate finger massage of his temples by the lovely Aery, the Meddlers’ cheerleader. Meanwhile his hand was filled with a cup of Ulthuan wine, special delivery from Cothique. Even a wood elf could still enjoy the produce of the more civilized regions of the world. The combined effect of the liquor and the massage relaxed Timaris, whose mind was wandering off into a slumber as Mereia entered the room. “The team is ready boss!”, the assistant coach shouted as she threw the door closed behind her back. “So far for the peace and quiet”, Timaris sighed. Why did everyone have to disturb him at the most impossible times, he wondered. Sometimes he thought about retiring and passing the scepter to Mereia. She was definitely capable enough. But he had to admit he would miss the thrill and exhilaration of an action-packed blood bowl game. As much as he enjoyed the calmer moments in life, he realized he needed the action as well. “Glad to hear that”, he replied. “I guess we’re off to the stadium then”, he replied, preparing to stand up. As he picked up his favorite green cloak from the stand, he joined Mereia and Aery. Together they headed towards the stadium.
Timaris installed himself on the bench as he watched some of his players warming up. Hauclir practiced his long bomb, while Syrabeth and Nimrodel were involved in a somersault contest. Timaris’ view wandered towards the center of the pitch where he noticed the absence of Belborth Bluebark. The Meddlers’ treeman had somehow injured himself during the last game. Timaris still hadn’t figured out how that had happened exactly. Apparently the treeman had broken some of his upper branches, which would take some time to regrow. Then he noticed Mereia, who’d just ordered her first martini of the evening. Loosely holding the glass, she installed herself at the extreme end of the bench. As usual, she was wearing her tank top, fingerless gloves and black cap. She was right on time for the start of the game. The second she sat down the referee blew his whistle. The Star Metal Sentinels had won the coin toss and opted to kick. Once again the wood elves were facing a mercenary wizard on the opposition’s side. Nothing new there. But Timaris was a little more worried about Bagrud Grudgebearer, a stout dwarf with a brutal face and wearing wicked boots. Nevertheless, Timaris had sent his team on the pitch with a clear message: score as late as possible. The short-legged dwarfs wouldn’t have enough time to equalize before halftime. That was easier said than done though, as the elves on the field experienced when facing a solid wall of rock. Only Kivan managed to dodge through, as the rest of the team held back, weary about the wizard. Eventually the Meddlers applied the oldest trick of the wood elf play book: pick a flank, lure the opposition towards you and then switch sides, leaving them hopelessly behind. Hauclir launched the decisive pass straight into Nimrodel’s hands, who ran in the opening touchdown: 1-0 for the Meddlers in turn six. Mereia lowered her shades for a second and winked to her employer: “nice run from Nimrodel, wouldn’t you say, boss?”. As she ordered for another martini to a passing waiter, she added: “let’s see what the beards can still do about that”.
With only three turns left the dwarfs wondered how on earth they were supposed to reach the other side of the pitch before halftime. Borek Steamforce however was a beqrd with a plan. While his teammates focused on punishing elves, he picked up the ball. At that moment the opposing coach called on the services of the wizard he’d hired. A ball of fire was launched towards the Meddlers’ half, aimed at three elves. While Nimrodel and Isilvar timely dodged the fireball, Corion was hit and his game was over. When the dust settled the dwarfs moved forwards, Borek Steamforce in the front line. Timaris saw the threat and urged Hauclir to intervene. “Tear down or push back that beard!”, he shouted. Hauclir understood the message and blitzed the ballcarrier. A simple shove was enough to get him out of scoring range. The score wouldn’t change anymore that drive.
The second half started with the Meddlers kicking. Things didn’t look bad. They were leading the game and the wizard had already spent his trick. There was still Bagrud Grudgebearer to worry about though. Not to mention Borek Steamforce. It was a mystery to Timaris how that beard could move so fast and with a skill rarely seen in a dwarf. The ball landed deep in the backfield of the Sentinels, urging Timaris to call for high pressure on the ball. That approach soon backfired when mighty Hauclir slipped on a wet spot in the grass, snaked his dodge and crashed head-first into the turf. Barud Grudgebearer decided to reward him with the boot, knocking Hauclir out of the game. Not much later Ethandril reckoned his hour of glory had come as he gracefully leapt into the air leaving a bunch of surprised beards behind (and below him). Upon landing he smacked his fist into the flabbergasted Borek Steamforce, who went down and dropped the ball. Only fractions of a second later Nimrodel moved in and somersaulted towards the spot where the ball had landed. As he flew through the sky he soon realized he miscalculated his landing spot and unceremoniously crashed into the turf (another snake). Next turn the evil-grinned Barud planted another boot right in the face of the unfortunate Nimrodel. As Timaris heard something snap – even at a distance the nerve-wracking sound was fully audible – he feared for his super star catcher’s career (and neck). Isha be praised for the quick and successful intervention of the Meddlers’ apothecary who prevented the worst and saved Nimrodel’s career. By now the wood elves’ numbers were dwindling rapidly. But even outnumbered the Meddlers put up a valiant defensive effort. The slow beards advanced, but only at a snail’s pace. In the end it was only the unnatural speed and ability of Borek Steamforce that allowed the Sentinels to equalize. “If it wasn’t for the beard, that one would make a decent elf”, Mereia commented as she gulped down her martini. In any case, the Sentinels scored in turn eight: 1-1 with only one turn to go and only seven elves left.
As both Timaris and Mereia prepared to stand up and return home, disappointed by the late and unlikely equalizer, a riot broke out in the stands. According to Aery, who had a good view from her dancing platform, some goblin had messed with the beard of a Sentinel fan. In return the furious dwarf grabbed the goblin by the neck, lifted it above his head and lobbed it into a nearby food stand. All of a sudden a variety of tasty snacks, including the ever-popular rat-on-a-stick, were flying through the air. Suddenly half the crowd was grabbing for snacks. This attracted the attention of an ogre who also wanted his fair part of the appetizers. As he waded through the crowd towards the food stand, knocking over people everywhere, the scene quickly developed into a brawl. Seconds later a full-scale riot broke out. Amidst the chaos the referee lost track of the clock and the game carried on! Gildor picked up the ball and passed it to Syrabeth, who sprinted forwards and was soon encircled by a cage of fellow elves. The beards didn’t have an answer to this late-game development and had to allow a second touchdown one turn later. An unexpected turn of events delivered victory to the Meddlers!
Second win of the season for Modryn’s Midnight Meddlers!”