CTV 1110k+100k Halfling

No change

Inducements: 1 halfling master chef
Gnome Tinkers (CIBBL) CTV 1230k


#3 Easton Shado – Broken Jaw (MNG)
#13 Knox Ayat – Dead (RIP)
#11 Horvyn Copperspring – Serious Concussion (-AV)
#12 Kelwor Rumbuckle – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
It was obvious from the beginning that there was a difference in the power levels between the teams (and probably between the coaches, I made many wrong choices). Our opponent is a very strong gnome Team who managed to have a very good presence in the World Edge Regionals. The Halfling played very pationate and manage to be competitive primarily because our Treemen were today very productive (4 Cas and many succesful Throw Team Mates), while the Gnomish Conceptions were malfunctioning all the time, and secondarily to be honest through luck. Our Catchers had also a very good game, but the rest of team was annihillated during the battle.
The Moot Halflings are still in nice mood, since they are seeing the effort that Swan Riders are putting in every game. But it is evident, that even stunty vs stunty games are difficult for them. Coach Kharigor has admitted in the press meal (ehh... interview!) that the team is not at all designed to face other stunties and that the Swan Riders need a lot of work to adapt their play against such kind of teams.
Major Points of the Game:
1st half: 0-1 (we lost the ball... and the game despite the excellent effort of both our Treemen and the malfunctioning of the Gnomish Cocenptions). 1-1 through a Throw Team Mate.
2nd Half: 1-2 (Gnomes smelled blood and they scored early to take use of their numerical advantage on the field) 2-2 (a Throw Team mate brought the equalizer, despite the huge gnomish pressure) 2-3 (Gnomes had the time to take the win against almost no resistance from the decimated Halflings).
Statistical curiosity: We managed to outblock our opponent (31 to 26 blocks) and outhitting him (6 to 4 Cas), but we did not have bench, while our opponent had.
Last note: With these 2 Cas Drychaen achieved Star Status. The first of the Swan Riders with this achievement!”