CTV 1940k Human


Shambling Undead CTV 1590k+350k

21000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 1 bribe, 1 wizard, 2 bloodweiser kegs
#2 Sharon "Govenor" Sayles – Dead (RIP)
#4 John "NBFL" Madden – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#2 John "NBFL" Madden Jr – Fractured Arm (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
In this match, we saw both John "NBFL" Madden, and John "NBFL" Madden Jr face off - only to be taken out on the same turn, seriously injured in both cases!
We also saw Linsey "Downhill" Vonn (who is a ghoul now) and her ghost (who is a human!) face off!
The fireball fired, the hitters hit, the dodgers.. well no, just EVERYONE, dodged (humans, zombies, humans, humans...). And in the end some widows cried and some balls got fried.
But the score ... was a draw. The Undead forced the humans to score fast, and in return the humans made the Undead roll dice.. but they made it. And then the Undead let the humans force THEM to score fast, and so the Undead forced the humans to roll some dice (probably not the best choice possible, but it was amusing to blitz the backfield instead of trying to block the 3 receivers).. but they made it.
The rivalry CONTINUES!
Thanks for the match tussock!”