Those interface changes, rule changes etc.. especially with a new team took a bit of thinking about.
SideshowBob played well, everything the elves tried worked, everything the orcs tried the dice failed them. The Blitz kickoff late on gifted a final score - Orcs are fairly slow and were outnumbered (losing the CAS count and sending offs*) - so it was not possible to defend the short kick Blitz.
With no Block skill blitzes were repeatedly ending in Skulls and Both Downs. This seems a real weakness of Brawler - the team desperately needs a Blitzer with Block skill.
*Both fouls were sending offs. It should be good tactic for this team but fouling as a tactic is volatile.
Block, Sneaky Git, Dirty Player, Guard, Sure Hands. There is a fairly long list of essential skills before this team starts to look competitive.
Thanks for game SideshowBob, nice to chat even though game was a whitewash. ”
Those interface changes, rule changes etc.. especially with a new team took a bit of thinking about.
SideshowBob played well, everything the elves tried worked, everything the orcs tried the dice failed them. The Blitz kickoff late on gifted a final score - Orcs are fairly slow and were outnumbered (losing the CAS count and sending offs*) - so it was not possible to defend the short kick Blitz.
With no Block skill blitzes were repeatedly ending in Skulls and Both Downs. This seems a real weakness of Brawler - the team desperately needs a Blitzer with Block skill.
*Both fouls were sending offs. It should be good tactic for this team but fouling as a tactic is volatile.
Block, Sneaky Git, Dirty Player, Guard, Sure Hands. There is a fairly long list of essential skills before this team starts to look competitive.
Thanks for game SideshowBob, nice to chat even though game was a whitewash.