It was a lovely chat and a great game. I did a silly greedy thing in first half so it ended 1-1 (I had the kickoff). With only 12 girls from start we were down in numbers in 2nd, and Harad managed to keep me off, I snaked twice going for the ball and another failed gfi. A draw would had been more appropriate, but the whole thing was of course to get my first win over Harad. But it sure didn't matter. Great fun.
And I got myself another legend. My 9th real legend (including the first that died in the same game it became legendary). From tv 1790 to 2220 and 150ยด in the bank for another player. Seems like its major-time! :-D
Thanks harad and good luck with life away from fumbbl!
Games Played: 500 (321/70/109)
TD Diff: 410 (860 - 450)
Cas Diff: 163 (721/431/189 - 679/361/138)
Vs Harad of course, my nemesis.
It was a lovely chat and a great game. I did a silly greedy thing in first half so it ended 1-1 (I had the kickoff). With only 12 girls from start we were down in numbers in 2nd, and Harad managed to keep me off, I snaked twice going for the ball and another failed gfi. A draw would had been more appropriate, but the whole thing was of course to get my first win over Harad. But it sure didn't matter. Great fun.
And I got myself another legend. My 9th real legend (including the first that died in the same game it became legendary). From tv 1790 to 2220 and 150ยด in the bank for another player. Seems like its major-time! :-D
Thanks harad and good luck with life away from fumbbl!
Games Played: 500 (321/70/109)
TD Diff: 410 (860 - 450)
Cas Diff: 163 (721/431/189 - 679/361/138)
And some more STATS:
Amazon 22 13/2/7
Chaos Chosen 54 31/8/15
Chaos Dwarf 8 4/0/4
Chaos Renegade 15 12/1/2
Dark Elf 46 26/10/10
Dwarf 9 8/0/1
Elven Union 15 13/1/1
Goblin 3 3/0/0
Halfling 2 1/0/1
High Elf 28 18/4/6
Human 45 31/7/7
Lizardmen 19 7/5/7
Necromantic Horror 32 21/7/4
Norse 21 10/7/4
Nurgle 19 15/1/3
Ogre 7 6/0/1
Orc 37 23/5/9
Shambling Undead 34 24/4/6
Skaven 27 15/5/7
Slann 9 6/1/2
Tomb Kings 12 9/0/3
Underworld Denizens 2 1/0/1
Vampire 6 4/0/2
Wood Elf 28 20/2/6
Total 500 321/70/109 ”