CTV 1240k+50k Chaos Chosen


Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
Human CTV 1280k


No change
#7 Alice Jezreel – Serious Injury (NI)
#15 Burnin' For You – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
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Turn 0: your defensive setup has several problems, any of which I could have capitalized on. First, set your back line 2 squares back, not 1, unless you have a REALLY GOOD plan to the contrary. I ignored your "free picket": Magnus, CW without Block, was positioned so I could have bowled him over with Dauntless and established a cage in your backfield. I ignored that, and went for a pop on your Frenzy guy instead.
Your first half play wasn't terrible, you went into contact too much but you were the heavy team, so that's only a problem once you start taking damage. My main criticism, though, is that you kept hunting the Blodge Catcher. All I had to do was dangle him out there and you would go after him, despite the fact that 3d blocks on that guy are only a little over 40% to knock him down, and 2d blocks are only a little over 30%. Had you picked on my linemen, you might have done some harm.
In the second half, you were too ready to get into contact without enough men to do it, and too eager to punch that Catcher. I made a couple minor positioning mistakes you didn't capitalize on, because you were too busy going after the technically-less-armored guy. You kinda had a hard row to hoe, by then, because you'd already gone into too much contact and taken damage.”