Ladies and nurglemen, tonights show had it all, excitement, blood, and magnificent
skills from both teams.
The carnival tent was fully packed by smelly rotten fans and thanks to the holes in the tent the outside weather reached the field.
Nurgle showed us all that they really don`t like clowns and smashed two of them to puddles of blood.
Nurgle also started real tough with taking the ball and scored early in the 1st half, but that didnt stop the carnival crew, Spikey not only managed to pick up the ball and score 3 times, he also gave Acolyte Viessa a proper smack in the face and took him out for the rest of the game.
With no ball handler and the bad weather the nurgle had problems to even up the score, and the clowns won their 2nd game this winter.
Lots of fun and we all are looking forward for the spring tournamant. ”
Ladies and nurglemen, tonights show had it all, excitement, blood, and magnificent
skills from both teams.
The carnival tent was fully packed by smelly rotten fans and thanks to the holes in the tent the outside weather reached the field.
Nurgle showed us all that they really don`t like clowns and smashed two of them to puddles of blood.
Nurgle also started real tough with taking the ball and scored early in the 1st half, but that didnt stop the carnival crew, Spikey not only managed to pick up the ball and score 3 times, he also gave Acolyte Viessa a proper smack in the face and took him out for the rest of the game.
With no ball handler and the bad weather the nurgle had problems to even up the score, and the clowns won their 2nd game this winter.
Lots of fun and we all are looking forward for the spring tournamant.