CTV 1500k Carnival of Chaos (CIBBL)

No change

Black Dwarf (CIBBL) CTV 1110k+390k


No change
Inducements: Star player Ghaamath 'the Burned', Star player Zorn Urkrag, Mercenary Merc Chaos Dwarf Lineman 1
#5 Momo – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#14 Trappo – Head Injury (-AV)
#9 James Meri – Serious Injury (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Ladies and mutants, todays show was one of a kind, both teams had their bombardier and they didnt save their bombs for later.
Clowns started with the ball 1st half and Spikey the tainted jester grabbed the ball and advanced forward well protected by his fellow clowns.
Blackdwarves did a couple of brave attempts to stop him from scoring but he managed to score in the middle of the 1st half.
The dwarves started with the ball but never got the ball towards the clowns endzone before the breake.
"nd half the dwarves started with the ball again and bombs were flying left and right over the pitch.
After a tight brawling in the middle Spikey the tainted jester managed to blitz the ballcarrier and the ball went to Chubby one of the carnival strongman who took a run for it down the pitch towards the dwarven endzone.
Ghaamath the Burned tried to hit him with his bombs but missed him every time so Chubby could then run the final yards and secured the winning game.
Awzm game with lots of frightened dwarves who didnt dare to block many of the clowns.
We will meet again next time for a rematch.