CTV 2630k Sea Elf

13000 (1 FAME)
No change

Dust Goblin CTV 1400k+1230k


No change
Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, 1 wizard, 1 halfling master chef, Star player Ripper Bolgrot, Star player Ramtut III, Card Greased Shoes, Card Distract
#6 Thularin – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
#9 Anthraxon – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
#14 Korvan – Broken Neck (-AG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Round two brought the Dolphins to the far shadowlands, where they faced Dustys Revenge, a young team of dust goblins backed up by 1230 TV of inducements. The sea elves faced 2 tomb scorpions, 2 bone giants, an Ushabti, Ramtut, Ripper and some dusty gobbos. The first half quickly became chaotic, with lots of sidestepping elves trying to worm their way through the big guys. Thularin got maimed (and potioned afterwards), but eventually it paid off to put pressure on the ball. Caoran dodged in and knocked the ballcarrier down. A few chaotic turns later I managed to -2d push a bone giant, causing a chain reaction as an elf was pushed on the ball. Eventually it landed in the hands of Ethandril, who ran off and scored a turn later. Dead gobbos have shorter legs than living gobbos, which saved us from a oneturner. The second half was a defensive effort that nearly went wrong when the long-awaited fireball finally landed. The elves recovered and despite high pressure managed to seal the deal with a second touchdown: 2-0.”