“This was quite a match, as the Dark Philosophers thought to enter the game with 9 elves but the mighty Baroque Spinehoser was not feeling up to it and sat this one out leaving us with 8. We scored first without too much trouble in usual elven style, but couldn't stop the well defended Heathen cage from progressing down the field. The Heathen Outcasts have a bit of standfirm and Darquan was able to use the sidelines to good advantage in this regard. The most remarkable thing however, was that it seemed as though every player had tackle! Dodge was almost irrelevant for long stretches on the block dice...the POW's just kept coming! All this resulted in a turn 2/4 tie....2 TDs each. The bad news was that we were down to a scant 5 elves. We managed a classic 2 turn 5 elf score when the Heathens were caught off guard by a quick reversal of direction and found themselves just out of blitzing range of the redoubtable Arthur Sharpenedhorner, who grabbed a tight spiral from Bertrand Mustkill. Unable to protect the ball, we were forced to score the go-ahead on turn 2/6 and lined up our 5 elves, preparing to throw our bodies in front of the rampaging Heathens and praying to almighty Nuffle to cast a storm of ones upon the Heathens.
And what should happen? Who should intervene? Not Nuffle, but the fans themselves as the excitement got the better of them and they rioted away the rest of the game :-)
Thx for the game Darquan, you may have been robbed a bit there!”
“an interresting game, we just couldnt beat the elves at their own game, didnt distribute players on the 2/6 try well enough to contain the outnumbered elves and they slipped thru.
special tribute to the fans for sealing our fate :) and thx tautology for a good game.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
And what should happen? Who should intervene? Not Nuffle, but the fans themselves as the excitement got the better of them and they rioted away the rest of the game :-)
Thx for the game Darquan, you may have been robbed a bit there!”