“It be a haunted sea this night lads!! Strange occurances, ghostly footballs, and a mysterious form "out of sync" caused many a headache in the first half! The ruckus got to such a fevered pitch damn Stede went and let himself get shoved into the brink, only to show up sputtering from beneath the keel seriously the worse for ware! This match saw more skulls than the last Pirate enclave we attended! Yarr!! If Kidd hadn't of gotten greedy turn 8 Drake'd of gotten another touchdown to please the crowds! 'Course those two don't exactly get along the best anyway... As it was the scurvy bunch didn't attract more followers for our next voyage. Stede, ye be lookin a might bit like you've sailed into your last sunset matey...time will tell.
gg to you limey gits!”
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gg to you limey gits!”