CTV 1250k+270k Underworld Denizens

No change

Inducements: 2 bribes, Star player Kreek Rustgouger
Necromantic Horror CTV 1530k
otis CR 1835 (-12) Mega-Star


No change
#4 Agate – Serious Injury (NI)
#6 Onyx – Neck Injury (-AG)
#90 Kreek Rustgouger – Dead (RIP)
#12 Nicolas Olidi – Serious Injury (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
I learned a bit about Kreek (i) he can return for a second drive automatically, so doesn't necessarily need two bribes (ii) count his 5 moves, he died on his first GFI - my fault entirely - partly due to a lag between the mouse clicks and the 2+ roll showing on the user interface. Slow down and think.
Kreek seems good value, will try again another time.
First half Moonstone did her thing and blitzed through stole the ball and scored it. 0-1
Second Half I couldn't quite remove the uber-wolf so had to improvise a passing play. It got messy, so Moonstone swept in to take the ball up but ran into the inevitable snake eyes, and it was all over. 1-1
NB I should have marked and used my new Sneaky Git Gobbo!