“Here we go again. Game stolen in the last moment. This was even, no doubt about it, and I probably lost because of an unnecessary GFI, but this is now my fifth consecutive loss that is, not entirely but to a large degree, dependent on bad rolling. This is not to take away anything from Silverdragon's coaching which was fine. However, I suspect that Nuffle is giving me a lesson in humility after a 12 game winning streak including two nasty ass games against Qaz (Utter Dice Rape games). I think Nuffle has changed his/her/its divine mind about Qaz. I gotta go check out his last games to verify my theory...
Thnx Silverdragon. That zombie was never any good anyway. :)
Edit: I knew it! Qaz's last two games were wins. Well, Nuffle giveth and Nuffle taketh away (and laugheth).”
Thnx Silverdragon. That zombie was never any good anyway. :)
Edit: I knew it! Qaz's last two games were wins. Well, Nuffle giveth and Nuffle taketh away (and laugheth).”