CTV 1640k Carnival of Chaos (CIBBL)

No change

Slayer (CIBBL) CTV 1560k+110k


No change
Inducements: Star player Klugg Squig Slayer
#8 Boxo – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#9 Kili Ingurson – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#12 Zayden Sean – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Laaadies and slayermen, welcome to the circus. Tonights game was between our scary carnival crew and the furious slayers of Karak Kadrin.
First half the slayers started with the ball and started to charge forward, their doom seeker Jason Pigly was whirling his giant battle axe and took some clowns down before he got a acid filled waterballoon right in his head knocking him out for the rest of the game.
First half was a real circus with lots of mishappens for the carnivals but also for the slayers, Spikey the tainted jester failed with his pogo stick and knocked himself out. The clowns managed to keep the slayers away from the ball after the both teams failed to pick it up and reach it, Jumbo managed to pick up the ball and run away with his clumsy big clown shoes so at the end of the first half it was still a tie with no touchdowns.
Second half was much better for the clowns when they started with the ball and advanced slowly forward with Spikey the tainted jester holding the ball in a secured cage.
The slayers impressed with som really agile dodging and blitzed Spikey down and the ball was loose on the pitch. With some help from his fellow clowns he could pick up the ball a couple of seconds later and continue bouncing down the field on his little pogo stick, and score last minute of the second half.
Carnival wins their first winter friendly game and are now also in the great book of grudges from the frenzy slayers.
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