CTV 1760k Chaos Chosen


Ogre CTV 1600k+430k


No change
Inducements: Star player Bomber Dribblesnot, Star player Morg 'n' Thorg
#1 King Smashskull – Dead (RIP)
#8 Bradley Hthark – Serious Injury (NI)
#5 Blorg Humaneater – Serious Injury (NI)
#8 Hudson Beeta – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#11 Patrick Tralen – Serious Injury (NI)
#13 Alan Cadria – Dead (RIP)
#91 Morg \'n\' Thorg – Neck Injury (-AG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
I was scared from the get-go, going up against Morg, Bomber and 6 ogres...
Fortunately Morg was fouled out of the game in turn 2.
Next turn, Bomber hit the pile of players around the place where Morg had squealed. The apo worked his magic to rescue our fouler (#11) from death.
Picking up the ball was extremely challenging for the tribe (without re-rolls!) and a strip ball blitz against his carrier was enough to head into halftime 0-0.
As none of our KOs recovered, we started the 2nd half 9 vs. 10 (5 ogres, 5 snots). After eliminating 2 snots in turn 9, we scored quickly and 1 KO returned.
Everything was going as planned. Until...
... Trok Kragmight killed our beloved King Smashskull in turn 14.
Clean hit. Regen failed. Farewell to our favorite troll.
You will be missed, mighty King!
In turn 16, Grud Kegbreath failed a dodge into the endzone.
Game over: 1-0”