CTV 1010k Underworld (CIBBL)
Snotling (CIBBL) CTV 1190k
#5 Skek Sharptooth – Broken Arm (-PA)
#7 Skwatch Killflayer – Dead (RIP)
#9 Slitnat Moonshinz – Serious Injury (NI)
#10 Gonkpizzle Snotgobbla – Dead (RIP)
#15 Bazob Scrapdunk – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#13 Dec – Head Injury (-AV)
#16 Juli – Head Injury (-AV)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
As is well documented, Lump had spend much of the off-season developing his media portfolio. Being pushed from green room to green room many of the Blood Bowl's legends has graced his presence. Not known for his attention span, the one thing that had fascinated him was a chance meeting backstage at Cabalvison's Masked Dancer(TM) with Barik Farblast. In a brief moment of clarity, he wondered whether Barik's cannon could be of some use for L.A.D.S..
Anyway now he was back and L.A.D.S. has some stinking rats and Goblins to deal with.
More info on the S.N.O.T. System available here
Kick Off
L.A.D.S. 16-13 Mount Gunbad Crush
Given the prolonged winter break, Lump an' da Snots chose not to invite any fans onto the field. It was felt that the regulars needed game time to get ready for the season. That may have been a mistake.
L.A.D.S. got off to a flyer, Hak securing a quick foul score and Goo opening his account by blowing up a rival Snotling. The team had been here before. A five point lead and rising, but that's when complacency set in.
The Crush snuck in for a Touchdown, and shortly before halftime L.A.D.S. chose to see if Hak could get a second before crossing over themselves. Sadly the Referees where having none of it and Hak was unfairly banished.
Half Time
L.A.D.S. 18-14 Mount Gunbad Crush
Early season lethargy had set in. Much of the second half was played as 7s, or in fact less. More and more Snotling decided to opt for a mid game snooze. Apparently the Crush snuck over for 2 more Touchdowns but by that time L.A.D.S. were more interested in an impromptu 'meeting' in the dugout. A S.N.O.T. Sports Management representative was extolling the virtue of the shoulder mounted cannon Barik used and how Lump had been rather taken by the idea. The Snots themselves seemed rather less convinced. Mostly as they would be at the dangerous end of the proposal.
To those outside the inner circle it might not be so obvious but Hak is a surprisingly erudite little Snotling. There's a reason he has lasted so long and so successfully. Perhaps here we can get an insight into his devious little mind. Hak proposed that they ask Lump after the game what he wanted, and the Management Rep reluctantly agreed.
As Lump hulked off the field. Hak tapped him on the ankle so that he would be forced to turn around. It was well know that Lump would struggle once a sentence became a sentence, and by that we mean contained more than one word. To that end, Hak asked him as simple a question as possible - "Mount Gun?"
Lump's eyes momentarily unglazed, and he seems to peer off into the distance concentrating hard. ".....Bad....Cr-" came the hesitant reply before Hak swiftly cut him off. There it was, Lump though the shoulder mounted cannon was a bad idea. The Management Representative look a little crestfallen but accepted the decision.
Directly behind where Hak was standing, the Staff were updating the Lump-Zum Arena scoreboard. Lump an' da Snots has secured their 35th straight victory and emblazoned on the front in foot high letters it said L.A.D.S. 18-16 Mount Gunbad Crush.
Hak cracked a sly smile and disappeared down the tunnel to the changing rooms.
Full Time