“Luck was against me this match, except for the first TD I scored (which was made hard by bad luck in the first place but hey). That in addition to the sheer amount of Guard I was facing made this match pretty much a loss from the start.
Nevertheless I managed to enjoy the game again at the end by being silly, always aided by the fact that your opponent isn't the silent type who just sits there. Chatting always makes things better.
Karma returned on the skill rolls, however - both my wolves rolled doubles, and now they both have Mighty Blow. Good doggies. :)”
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Nevertheless I managed to enjoy the game again at the end by being silly, always aided by the fact that your opponent isn't the silent type who just sits there. Chatting always makes things better.
Karma returned on the skill rolls, however - both my wolves rolled doubles, and now they both have Mighty Blow. Good doggies. :)”