“Rain poured on this blood bowl pitch during the whole game. Apparantly this made the dead things more vulnerable, they went down easy one after another. Just put your boot (or clawed foot) in and they are off pitch.
This game was a bit odd for the skaven even though I'm not used to them yet as this was my first match with Skaven since 3rd edition BB. Anyway, thanks to the rain I had sever problems with the ballhandling but the blocking and more importantly, fouling, went very good. I had a very nice luck streak on both armour and injury rolls.
With the ref taken out first turn in first half and third turn in second half things looked grim for the necros.
0-0 after first half (me recieving) after some serious ball fumblings but second half looked good even though I was kicking. Only 6 of the necros managed to make it to pitch and it became a pretty easy 2 turner. Things went on just like that and I almost made 3-0.
Pretty boring match for my opponent but a good start in the tournament for me.”
This game was a bit odd for the skaven even though I'm not used to them yet as this was my first match with Skaven since 3rd edition BB. Anyway, thanks to the rain I had sever problems with the ballhandling but the blocking and more importantly, fouling, went very good. I had a very nice luck streak on both armour and injury rolls.
With the ref taken out first turn in first half and third turn in second half things looked grim for the necros.
0-0 after first half (me recieving) after some serious ball fumblings but second half looked good even though I was kicking. Only 6 of the necros managed to make it to pitch and it became a pretty easy 2 turner. Things went on just like that and I almost made 3-0.
Pretty boring match for my opponent but a good start in the tournament for me.”