“First Half
Dorfs punched up field, towards corner. Orcs managed to swing in front of them for last turn and block the score.
Second Half
Solid Defence, with a kick off on the halfway line, and Guardfirm blockers was tricky to untangle. Coach timed out without a warning; Within the rules but generally not done without a first warning, in the spirit of sportsmanship.
Orcs pressed forward and dorfs backed off, last minute cage dive didn't quite pay off.”
“It's the same spirit of sportsmanship as inducing Bomber and Wizard as overdog.
The difference is: you could have avoided my time out by playing faster, while I could not avoid your Bomber and Wizard. So, in the end, my time out was not that bad, also, it happened just once, while I had to face bombs more than one turn + impending Wizard's threat.
Thanks for the game! ”
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Dorfs punched up field, towards corner. Orcs managed to swing in front of them for last turn and block the score.
Second Half
Solid Defence, with a kick off on the halfway line, and Guardfirm blockers was tricky to untangle. Coach timed out without a warning; Within the rules but generally not done without a first warning, in the spirit of sportsmanship.
Orcs pressed forward and dorfs backed off, last minute cage dive didn't quite pay off.”